[MindFreedom Journal, issue #48, Spring 2008] Cover: [Photo: Members of the MindFreedom Youth Committee. From left: Ishi, Lotus, MindFreedom's new Youth Coordinator Martin Rafferty, Iana, and Skye. Martin's story is on page 3.] Join a nonviolent revolution in mental health Support Youth Survivors of Mental Health Human Rights Violations! Mad Pride! Humane Alternatives to the Mental Health System! How Psychiatric Drug Money Dominates the Media! Much More News: www.mindfreedom.org Table of Contents: MFI Wins: 2 New Staff Welcomed: 2 Youth for Choice: 3 Law & Activism: 3 Mad Pride: 4 Truth in Media: 4 Affiliate Drive: 5 Wisdom House Conference: 5 Poetic Justice: 6 Fundraising: 6 Diversity Welcomed: 7 Published by MFI Page 2: MFI Wins Campaigns for Human Rights and Alternatives in Mental Health MindFreedom International unites thousands of individual members. The majority of MindFreedom's membership, board, and staff are psychiatric survivors. However, membership is open to everyone who supports our human rights goals. Advocates, mental health professionals, family members, and the general public are all valued members and leaders in the MindFreedom community. MindFreedom International (MFI) unites 100 grassroots organizations. Each Sponsor Group or Affiliate has a liaison on the MFI Support Coalition Advisory Council. MFI is rooted in a global movement to change the mental health system. MFI is one of the few groups in the mental health field that is independent with no funding from or links to governments, mental health providers, drug companies, religious organizations, etc. Funding is entirely from members like you, and a very few foundations. MFI's mission: "In a spirit of mutual cooperation, MindFreedom International leads a nonviolent revolution of freedom, equality, truth, and human rights that unites people affected by the mental health system with movements for justice everywhere." If you are not yet a member, become a member or donate, now! If you are already a member, consider an early renewal donation. MindFreedom is a non-profit organization under IRS 501(c)(3) and your donation is tax-deductible. (To join or donate, see www.MindFreedom.org.) You are also encouraged to check out our Mad Market of books and products at www.MadMarket.org. Proceeds support this human rights work. You can now also download a free copy of our MindFreedom brochure! You can then print it out and distribute it to inform people about MFI campaigns for human rights and humane alternatives in the mental health system. It is available at: www.mindfreedom.org/brochure [Photo: Director of Member Services Jeremy Bensman] MFI Welcomes Martin Rafferty and Jeremy Bensman There were two new additions to the MindFreedom office in 2007. Martin Rafferty joined the team in January and is currently both MindFreedom's Office Manager and Youth Coordinator. A psychiatric survivor - see this issue's cover story! - Martin writes: "I am passionate about change, and passionate about including youth in that change... I am excited about taking a strong stance against the abuse that is happening in our mental health care system. Taking that stance is important work, even though so much more must be done." And in September Jeremy Bensman became the new Director of Member Services. Jeremy recently obtained an M.A. in philosophy from the University of Oregon, where he studied social justice issues and the work of Michel Foucault. He writes: "It has been exciting to be able to meet and correspond with so many talented people working with so much heart for human rights in mental health. The world needs more independent voices like these! If you're interested in finding out how to become more active in MindFreedom, let us know at office@mindfreedom.org." Please join! www.MindFreedom.org office@MindFreedom.org MindFreedom International 454 Willamette, Suite 216 P.O. Box 11284 Eugene, OR 97440-3484 U.S.A. phone: (541) 345-9106 toll free in USA: 1-877-MAD-PRIDE fax: (541) 345-3737 MOVING? Please provide your new postal address. Privacy: The MindFreedom database is private. MindFreedom organizers may be given contact lists. If you prefer no contact inform the office. Copyright: Unless noted, you may copy for non-commercial use. Please credit www.MindFreedom.org (c) 2006 MindFreedomtm. Conserve: Printed with soy-based ink on partly recycled paper. MindFreedom plants trees to help replace paper used. Thanks to donors and to members who volunteer through mailing parties, research, tips, writing, editing and much more. Board: Celia Brown (President), Ted Chabasinski, Judi Chamberlin, Krista Erickson, Janet Foner, Al Galves, Mary Maddock, Matt Morrissey. Staff: David Oaks (Director), Martin Rafferty (Office Manager), Jeremy Bensman (Director of Member Services). Webmaster: Hal Noble/NetCorps. Desktop publishing: mckenzieprintersguild@yahoo.com. ISSN 1537-5013 Page 3: Youth Voices For Choices BY MARTIN RAFFERTY At the time MindFreedom launched its youth campaign, Youth Voices For Choices, I was twenty years old. As a youth, I myself experienced forced drugging. A nurse actu- ally shoved a stick in my mouth to make sure I swallowed my pills. My voice as a youth was not heard. I said no, they said yes. Eventually, when they gave me water to take the pills with, I started taping the pills under the paper cup. I had no idea that there was an organization like MindFreedom fighting for my right to choose. Most people don't believe that youth talk seriously about this issue, or think that if they did the discussions would be very shallow. Assumptions like these reflect the oppression of youth in our culture. The Youth Voices For Choices campaign is countering this oppression by offer- ing new and exciting ways for youth to use their voice. Our international efforts will involve creating a more vibrant online community. Sites like YouTube and MySpace are very popular in the youth culture. Mind- Freedom has taken advantage of this by inspiring youth to create content around voice. You can already see some examples of this on our website. Humorous skits and serious stories are given, as well as a complete conversa- tion with a group of seven youth with very diverse back- grounds. This is just part of our plan to create a presence for youth in our movement! This year our youth campaign is also addressing mental health screening in public school systems. We will release a Teen Screen Manual to educate students, teachers, and parents about a system designed to put millions of chil- dren on dangerous drugs. Mental Health Legal Advocacy & Activism Task Force Warns Forcing Psychiatric Drugs Can Increase Violence Promising to fight what they call pervasive and harmful violations of mental health clients who are involuntarily drugged and electroshocked in the United States, the Law Project for Psychiatric Rights (PsychRights) and the MindFreedom Shield Campaign announced a joint Task Force on Mental Health Legal Advocacy & Activism. The new partnership of law and nonviolent direct action has an initial focus in California, Massachusetts, and New York. PsychRights' President Jim Gottstein declared, "People's rights in forced drugging proceedings are ignored as a matter of course, resulting in great harm to them and decreased public safety." David Oaks, Director of MindFreedom International, noted, "Violence by a few individuals labeled 'mentally ill' has led to a backlash calling for a massive increase in forced psychiatric drugging." Mr. Gottstein added, "Contrary to public perception, forcing people to take psychiatric drugs can often increase violence, rather than decrease it. If people were warned that both taking and withdrawing from these drugs can at times contribute to committing terrible acts, they and their loved ones can be alert to the possibility and tragedies averted." Krista Erickson, MFI board member and Chair of the MFI Shield Campaign, said, "I'm excited about MFI and PsychRights expanding our partnership and focusing the combined power of legal advocacy and activism on specific cases." The MFI Shield Campaign supports the wishes of a member to be free of involuntary mental health intervention with an international "Solidarity Network" of advocates. The new Task Force plans to use both the court of law and the court of public opinion. Task Force organizers say the combination of PsychRights' expertise for strategic litigation and the "people power" of MindFreedom activists around the country will bring a synergy and geographic reach to their demands for people's legal and human rights. Daniel Hazen, Northeast Coordinator with PsychRights, added, "In the United States the 'mental health' industry is a labeling system that often dismisses self-determination, legal capacity, and alternatives. 'Treatment' can be forced through the court systems. People ought to have their day in court but this is often far from what actually occurs." The Law Project for Psychiatric Rights is a public interest law firm devoted to the defense of people facing the "horrors of unwarranted forced psychiatric drugging and other forced psychiatric procedures." Find out more about PsychRights at www.psychrights.org. Page 4: [Photo: MindFreedom Ghana celebrates Mad Pride] MindFreedom welcomes Ruth Ruth of The Friendly Spike Theatre and John McCarthy of MindFreedom Ireland, as the new co-chairs of the Mad Pride 2008 campaign! Here are just a few highlights from Mad Pride events in 2007. More information about Mad Pride can be found online at: www.mindfreedom.org/campaign/ madpride/. South Africa For the first time this year, a Mad Pride event was held in Capetown, South Africa. A small crowd gathered to celebrate near District Six, a site of forced removals during the apartheid era. Members of the Cape Consumer Advocacy Body (CCAB), World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (WNUSP), and IAACM convened. Good weather and an excellent sunrise helped to keep us all in good spirits before marching to Parliament and staging a vigil and picket for the victims of coercive psychiatric abuse. A memorandum is on its way to parliamentarians. Read more at: southafrica.indymedia.org/news/2007/07/12612.php. The Great Escape Bed Push On Saturday, July 14, activists in Canada and England participated in a bed push, simulating an escape from forced treatment. A bed push was also held by the Freedom Center in Northampton, Massachusetts, on Sunday, July 29. This was the third Bed Push in England but the first in Canada and the US. For more details see: www.bedpush.com. Ghana For the second year, Mad Pride was celebrated in Ghana. Activists held a 260 person strong, 5 kilometer March for Dignity and Human Rights in Psychiatry, marching through the center Accra amid music and dancing. We printed and distributed T-shirts and caps to the marchers, and printed 3,000 fliers that were distributed to people along the way. A petition was delivered to the Minister of Health before the march concluded with a cultural event in Independence Square. Ireland MindFreedom Ireland member John McCarthy celebrated Mad Pride by standing in the general election, the first ex-user of the system to do so in Ireland. John writes, "I like to think we won the campaign and lost the election...The function now is to keep that debate ongoing." MindFreedom_s Truth in Media Campaign BY JOHN M. RYAN, CHAIR, MFI MEDIA COMMITTEE The purpose of the MFI Media Committee is to serve as a "watchdog" for articles or material put out by TV, magazines, or newspaper columnists that are at variance with the principles of MindFreedom. When I encounter such an article, I write the author or the network, or someone associated with the article, and state my objections to the assertions in the article. You have all seen them: Articles stating that depression is due to a "chemical imbalance in the brain"; articles favoring forced drugging, or forced psychiatric incarceration, or forced outpatient treatment; articles giving false praise to psychiatric drugs. I could use some assistance, either in spotting offenders, writing the retorts, or both. I can't see everything. If you are content to just spot offenders, send me the article or a link to the article. If you want to write a retort yourself, by all means do so, subject only to MindFreedom's general guidelines -- keep it civil, keep it on the issue, keep it short. One ordinary page or less should suffice. Often the writers of these articles know little about science or medicine and uncritically just repeat what some psychiatrist, doctor, or other health care professional tells them regarding the subject. My belief is that authors are largely unaware that there is any opposition to the opinion(s) stated by the "professional." If no one voices any objections, they will continue to parrot whatever is told them by "professionals." But if they are made aware that there is opposition to the assertions in their articles, they may in the future write more balanced articles on these topics. Anyone desiring to help should email me at: media@mindfreedom.org. Page 5: [Photo: New MFI board member Mary Maddock and MFI UN representative John McCarthy attend a protest with MindFreedom Ireland in Cork, Ireland.] MindFreedom Begins Affiliate Drive MindFreedom has launched a campaign to start 20 new affiliates in 2008. What is an affiliate? It's simple! An affiliate uses the "MindFreedom" name, and is similar to a chapter. An affiliate is based on local geography. For instance, there is a MindFreedom Maine and a MindFreedom Ghana. You don't need a large number of people or resources to begin. Mary Maddock of MindFreedom Ireland writes, "All you need to form an affiliate are a few good, hardworking people you can trust... You should try to have as little bureaucracy as possible with the emphasis on working together and respecting each other's opinions." And if you have questions - whether it's wondering what's next after a great success or what to do when you've come up against unexpected obstacles, MindFreedom is here to help. Our new MF-Grassroots email list makes it easy for our affiliates, whether just starting out or engaged in moving to the next level, to communicate with one another and share ideas. As Frank Blankenship, the chair of the new MFI Affiliate Support Committee writes, "Networking with other members of MindFreedom International who are working on forming affiliates can help us to circumvent, and to deal with, some of the obstacles that are sure to crop up in the course of building affiliates. There is no need to isolate oneself from others in our movement when a connection with a colleague is as close as the keyboard of a computer." Starting an affiliate can be a rewarding experience. As Mary Maddock writes, "I have found becoming an affiliate of MindFreedom International very empowering and supportive. It has helped me in my recovery from psychiatric abuse and it has also given me the strength to encourage and support other psychiatric survivors both nationally and internationally." If you would like to learn more, please visit the affiliate and sponsor page on our website at: www.mindfreedom.org/as. The MindFreedom Wisdom House Conference BY JANET FONER, CHAIR, MFI CHOICE COMMITTEE [Photo: Janet Foner, Will Brady, and Jim Maddock speak at the MindFreedom Wisdom House Conference] The MindFreedom Conference was held in July 2007 at Wisdom House, a beautiful retreat center in rural Connecticut. It was a gathering of people from many countries, mostly new to each other and to MindFreedom, who had a lot to share about alternative recovery processes and places. An important goal that emerged from the conference was the creation of an on-line directory of agencies and groups that provide alternatives to mainstream mental health care. This network will include MindFreedom sponsors, and will also welcome other organizations that offer these services. Virtually all of the participants were very satisfied with the conference, and at least ten or more people said that this was the best they had ever attended. The organizers functioned like a well-oiled machine, although definitely human! Celia Brown, as Conference Coordinator, was well supported by Matt Morrissey and Florence Brown. The MindFreedom office staff and volunteers, including David Oaks, Martin Rafferty, and Violet Oaks, are also deeply appreciated. Additionally, MFI Board members Judi Chamberlin and Al Galves, as well as many volunteers at the conference, pitched in to make sure things went well. Thank you! [Photo: When Alternatives 2007 was held in St. Louis, a number of MindFreedom members held a "Normality Screening." No normality was found!] Page 6: [Photo: Poetry Editor Bonnie Schell] Our Poetry Stirs - Poetic Justice BY BONNIE SCHELL Definitions: Different, Discounted, and Diminished People who are different enough to make a unique contribution to society are told that they suffer discrimination and are stigmatized. These poets challenge the language we have all bought that we are less than... Our poetry stirs. MAMA JOY Words about Us Psychologically speaking, we're all quite insane. Financially speaking, we're a taxpayer's drain. Medically speaking, we all should be drugged Politically speaking, they want us all bugged. Anthropologically speaking, we've always been around. Legally speaking, we all should be found. Individually speaking, we're not the ones to fear. But, popularly speaking, they wish we'd disappear. (c) Mama Joy 2005 HAROLD A. MAIO Diminishment "The truth is at my core I do not truly believe I am fully human." - Ed Cooper People walked to the front of the bus, Literally and figuratively, Mindlessly accepting status Mindlessly denying that status to others. I raise my Voice to address Word that hurts, Knowing in my lifetime I will never defeat it As it was by women and African Americans. At the end of each day When depression rules my mind, I know I have lost. Each morning when it is again light, I sit at the computer, search the web news For diminishment and address it.Like the Black Press before me, Fighting oppression and segregation In a land dedicated to equality, I have little effect upon the diminishments, But one day, who knows? Society has changed before, Influenced by Voice, society Has altered, reformed itself. Maybe again. TOM GREENING Mental Illness (Sic) There is one thing that I abhor: a badly misused metaphor Thus I have really had my fill of being told my mind is "ill." Do not tell me that my brain is ganz vermischt and quite insane.... I get violent perforce if you mix levels of discourse. Please use our language as permitted or I'll have miscreants committed. (c) Tom Greening 2007 Fundraising in 2008 BY AL GALVES, CHAIR, MFI DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE We've got a big job ahead. We've committed ourselves to working for a non-violent revolution in the mental health system. How are we going to do that? We're going to encourage, support, illuminate, and help build alternate ways of helping people who are experiencing spiritual emergencies, emotional crises, difficult life dilemmas, frustration, and hard times. We're going to help people whose human rights are being threatened by the mental health system. We do that by maintaining the MindFreedom Shield, a solidarity network of people with advanced directives against forced treatment who are committed to help each other avoid such maltreatment. We do that by helping individuals whose right to informed consent is being violated. We're going to put pressure on governments to use the money they spend on mental health in ways that are safe, humane, and effective rather than harmful, oppressive, and ineffective. We've got a lot on our plate and our plate isn't nearly big enough to hold it all. So the Development Committee is raising additional funds for MindFreedom. We're applying to foundations, contacting members whose memberships have lapsed, building a cadre of potential major donors, and developing ongoing relationships with them. Thankfully, a group of members have agreed to help. They include: Krista Erickson, Mary Ellen Gottlieb, Chaya Grossberg, Chris Hansen, Tom Hughes, Harry Lichtenstein, Cathy Seitz and Vonne Worth. Together we're going to get this job done. Page 7: We Welcome a Diversity of Members BY DAVID OAKS, DIRECTOR, MINDFREEDOM INTERNATIONAL Because MindFreedom chooses to be independent from funding or control from corporations, drug companies, the mental health industry, or government, MFI relies on members, members, members. Mutual support between our members and coalition organizations is MFI's engine. I want to emphasize that the MFI community invites and welcomes all kinds of members. This diversity is more than a good idea, it's a necessity. ¥ Time If you are so busy with your life at the moment that the most you can do is donate annually and perhaps participate in the occasional e-mail alert campaign, you are welcome. Or if you would like to become very active on a particular campaign committee, or form an affiliate, you are also welcome. ¥ Belief We are united in our support for human rights, but our diversity is our strength. If you believe in counseling, or do not believe in it... If you take vitamins for your recovery, or you do not... If you use spirituality for your well being, or you do not...You are welcome. If your personal health care decision is to take prescribed psychiatric drugs each day, or if you swear you will never take psychiatric drugs the rest of your life, you are welcome. ¥ Identity Yes, a majority of our members, according to a survey, identify as psychiatric survivors. But if you are a psychiatrist or attorney or family member or just an interested member of the public, you are welcome. ¥ Geography While we started in the USA, we have leaders and organizations and members all over the world. We encourage involvement from outside the USA. ¥ Persistence I'm asked what sustains my own personal efforts. For one thing, over the years I keep going back to core values. For example, I keep returning to excerpts from Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s sermons. Lately I've been studying what MLK called the "transformed nonconformist." Clearly, our organization's interest in freedom of mind means that we support nonconformity. But MLK called for us nonconformists to go further. Simple nonconformity can lead to bitterness, alienation, hopelessness, and anger about our greater world and society. MLK warned that this kind of nonconformity can lead us to "speaking irresponsible words which estrange without reconciling and from making hasty judgments which are blind to the necessity of social process."A transformed nonconformist seeks to transcend this automatic impulse to division and isolation. MLK said, "This hour in history needs a dedicated circle of transformed nonconformists." As many of you know, MindFreedom has helped launch a dream that MLK referred to in many speeches and essays. He said the world is in dire need of a new organization, the International Association for the Advancement of Creative Maladjustment, or IAACM. While the IAACM is a concept, it also needs to be a true reality. MFI's support of Mad Pride campaigns is one way for us all to support a global nonviolent revolution for human rights, empowerment and self-determination. If you are considering whether or not to join MindFreedom, please know you are welcome. If you are already a member, please know your leadership at whatever level you seek is encouraged. If you have tried before, but due to MFI's grassroots nature this was challenging, don't give up. Keep trying. Please know we welcome all transformed noncon- formists for creative maladjustment! [Photo: MindFreedom Director David Oaks] [Advertisement: BIOELECTRICHEALTH.ORG Where the Knowledge Meets the Node. Please RUB* Here. To learn how to use readily obtained nutritious substances to naturally recharge the bioelectric power supplies of Organic Shoulder Top Computers to help maximize and maintain their ability to perform optimally. (*Read Use & Benefit)] [Advertisement: www.insightcenter.net. Revolutionary Psych Theory and Practice. Practical Tools for Exploring the Business of Being. By Diane Kern, Founder of Insight Center] Page 8: MindFreedom International New MadMarket Website! www.madmarket.org From rubber chickens and normality screening kits to the best new books on alternatives and human rights in mental health, the MadMarket has everything you need to stay informed, to work for change, and to just have fun. All proceeds from the MadMarket benefit MindFreedom's campaigns for human rights. Surviving America's Depression Epidemic By Bruce E. Levine, Ph.D. The rate of depression in the U.S. has increased more than tenfold in the last fi fty years. The good news is that age-old wisdom and legitimate science - uncorrupted by the profi t-margin pressures of pharmaceutical and insurance corporations - have much to inform us about revitalizing depressed people and a depressing culture. A Fight to Be By Ronald Bassman, Ph.D. A story of courage, determination, hope and possibility, Dr Bassman's unique insight from both sides of the locked door challenges readers to open their minds and their hearts, reexamine assumptions, discard limitations and embrace possibilities. Soteria: Through Madness to Deliverance By Loren R. Mosher and Voyce Hendrix This book recounts a noble experiment to alleviate oppression and suffering without destroying their victims. An experiment that was shut down by drug companies based purely on its success. This is an immensely impressive and moving book, full of vivid clinical and personal detail, a book which inspires and reminds us all of what can be achieved in the treatment of mental illness. Alternatives Beyond Psychiatry Edited by Peter Stastny and Peter Lehmann Sixty-one (ex-)users and survivors of psychiatry, therapists, psychiatrists, lawyers, social scientists and relatives from all continents report about their alternative work, their objectives and successes, their individual and collective experiences. Your support funds MindFreedom campaigns for human rights and humane alternatives in mental health care. Donations can be of any level: $500, $100, $75, $50, $35 (regular level), $20 (recommended low-income minimum). Regular monthly gifts multiply to provide stable funding for MindFreedom. Your Donation is Tax Deductible Phone (541) 345-9106 or toll free in the USA, 1-877-MAD-PRIDE You may also donate on-line at any time using the secure form at: www.MindFreedom.org.