Info Document Actions Print this Personal Stories [···] Previous: Hal H Noble
Info Document Actions Print this Personal Stories [···] Previous: Hal H Noble
Info Document Actions Print this Personal Stories Hal H Noble this is a test of the personal story input Born: 01 January 1932 Contact info: 1245 Pearl Street Currently doing: Testing Mental health experience: Testing Psychiatric labels: testing Psychiatric drugs taken in the past: Tseting Off psychiatric drugs since: 1943 Recovery methods: Testing Greatest obstacle:…
Info Document Actions Print this Personal Stories Janet Foner “My children were not born until a few years after I was in the hospital, so they did not know about it until I told them. My younger son immediately started crying. He was outraged that anyone could have treated me like that. My older son…
Info Document Actions Print this Personal Stories James B. Gottstein “To me the main thing is that I have learned to recognize the warning signs and have been able to work out things that work for me. I could just quit taking assignments that lead me into the situation where I need to take the…
Info Oryx began the MindFreedom personal stories project as an intern at the MindFreedom office in Oregon. He now live in Massachusetts. (Photo: Tom Olin) Click to view full-size image… — Size: 27.8 kB Document Actions Print this Previous: Joe S Baletta Next: Janet Foner
Info Document Actions Print this Personal Stories Joe S Baletta “The most important thing in a person’s recovery process is to know that someone cares for you, someone outside yourself, and that you can care for yourself and that you can love yourself and get over those demons that haunt us all, that drive us…
Info Document Actions Print this Personal Stories Beate Braun “If you are diagnosed with schizophrenia, they talk with you like you are not there. They talk about you but not with you, but you have to hear it. But if you really want to talk, the doctors and nurses in the hospital don’t have time…
Info Document Actions Print this Personal Stories Ted Chabasinski “When Miss Callaghan had discovered enough “symptoms,” I was sent to the Bellevue children’s psychiatric ward, to be officially diagnosed and to made an experimental animal for Doctor Bender. I was one of the first children to be “treated” with electric shock. I was six years…
Info Document Actions Print this Personal Stories Ted Chabasinski “When Miss Callaghan had discovered enough “symptoms,” I was sent to the Bellevue children’s psychiatric ward, to be officially diagnosed and to made an experimental animal for Doctor Bender. I was one of the first children to be “treated” with electric shock. I was six years…
Info Document Actions Print this Personal Stories Oryx Cohen “Meeting so many people who have fought through an oppressive mental health system, who have been forcibly electroshocked and drugged, who have been treated as less than human–and who are now leading accomplished and fulfilling lives as authors, directors of organizations, social activists, etc., has been…