Documents: Involuntary Electroshock of Elizabeth Ellis
You may download copies of orders by courts and government agencies, involving the mandate of involuntary electroshock for Minnesota resident Elizabeth Ellis, including on an outpatient basis. Included is the order – signed on Valentine’s Day, 14 February 2011 – ordering the Sheriff to pick up Elizabeth from her home, primarily for the ‘crime’ of not reporting for her involuntary outpatient electroshock last month.
2/14/2011: “Order to Transport” Elizabeth Ellis for Forced Electroshock
- This District Court document is an order – signed on Valentine’s Day, 14 February 2011 — to transport Elizabeth Ellis from her home to a psychiatric institution. You will also find a “Notice of Intent to Revoke Provisional Discharge” signed by Elizabeth’s case manager Kirstin Wegenast, also on Valentine’s Day, that specifically states that Elizabeth’s refusal to report for her second scheduled outpatient involuntary electroshock on 1/28/11 is one of the main reasons for locking her up again.
1/11: Assessment and instruction of involuntary outpatient ECT for E. Ellis
- This has the January 2011 “assessment” and “instructions” ordering Elizabeth and her husband to report for involuntary outpatient electroshock.
11/22/2010: Order of Involuntary Electroshock of Elizabeth Ellis
- Here’s the original November 2010 court document that authorizes the involuntary electroshock of Elizabeth Ellis while in an institution. A variety of other background documents are also included, included evaluation for electroshock, After her discharge a few months after the court order, in January 2011, additional orders are made for her involuntary electroshock to be on an outpatient basis.
11/1/2010: Notice of “rate” for Elizabeth Ellis care in an institution, paid for by taxpayers
- Minnesota law requires that clients like Elizabeth Ellis be notified how much it would approximately cost to hold them in a psychiatric facility. This document revealingly notifies Elizabeth that the cost of locking her up would be close to one thousand dollars a day ($982). The notice also states that Elizabeth’s monthly check from social security – which she must live on – would be taken to pay $854 a month. The taxpayers would have to make up the approximately $30,000 a month difference, for the horror of seizing Elizabeth from her home, locking her up and forcing her to have electroshock.
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