MFI First Conference on Choices in Mental Health, “Creative Revolution: Turning Our Minds Around”

Info Here’s a report following the MindFreedom’s conference/retreat about creating and promoting human alternatives to the conventional mental health system. [Revised 1 August 2007.] Wisdom House includes a labrynth for walking meditation. Click here to read the keynote speech by Janet Foner entitled “Inspiration for a Creative Revolution.” Participants Praise the MindFreedom 2007 Conference by…

A writer on electroshock

Info A writer reflects on how electroshock has impacted memory. This anonymous piece was posted on the excellent blog by Philip Dawdy, called Furious Seasons. Original was posted on this excellent blog: July 13, 2007 A Reader’s ECT Experience The following was sent to me by SS, a reader, who wanted me to post…

The Guinea Pigs’ Rebellion

Info Document Actions Print this The weekly newspaper in Portland, Oregon provided an overview about progress in uniting the national movement of mental health consumers and psychiatric survivors. The Guinea Pigs’ Rebellion Date Published: Sep 01, 1999 03:00 AM Author: CHRIS LYDGATE Source: Willamette Week, Portland, Oregon, USA The movement for the rights of mental…