MindFreedom State of Washington

Info MindFreedom State of Washington MindFreedom State of Washington is an affiliate of MindFreedom International.   Alert helps free Emily Darguzhyte who was locked inside Western State Hospital A 28-year-old woman from Lithuania, who has trouble with English, was being heavily forcibly drugged while held in extended ongoing involuntary lock-ups at the notorious Western State…

Historic PsychOUT Event Promotes Activist Unity, Protests Electroshock

Info [Updated 5 June 2010] Survivors of psychiatric human rights violations and their allies from more than five countries gathered for three days — from 7 to 9 May 2010 — in Toronto Canada for a conference and protest dedicated to “Organized Resistance Against Psychiatry.” Here is brief coverage including a photo essay by David…

Coalition Against Psychiatric Assault (CAPA) is an MFI Sponsor based in Toronto, Canada.

Info Coalition Against Psychiatric Assault (CAPA) is an MFI Sponsor based in Toronto, Canada. CAPA meets and protests in Toronto, Canada against assault by the mental health system. CAPA was a central group in the launch of the historic PsychOUT conference in May 2010. News About the PsychOUT Conference in Toronto, Canada in May 2010…