
To search our database of professional mental health care providers who have agreed to our set of principles, please click here.

To apply to be listed in our directory, please click here.


About our directory

Everyone should have reassurance about the quality and ethics of their mental health care provider, especially survivors of psychiatric abuse. Providers who pledge to uphold our principles indicate that they understand and respect the needs of those who have been harmed in the past by professionals who were supposed to help.

These principles were created by our Choice in Mental Health Committee led by Matthew Morrissey, a licensed psychotherapist, author, and former MFI board member.



  • This directory is not a substitute for advice from a licensed professional. It is intended to be a free educational resource. 
  • MFI’s knowledge of the individuals listed in this directory is from their own self-report and willingness to agree to our principles.
  • MFI cannot guarantee the outcome of interactions with any particular individuals, groups, or agencies listed in our directory and will therefore not be held accountable for any such outcomes.
  • MFI urges users of this directory to inform themselves about any products or services beforehand. 



Please submit complaints about any providers listed on our directory to office@mindfreedom.org.