Matthew McNatt
Street Address:
101 W Illinois Ave Ste 5
United States
Phone: 815-433-9500
Services Provided: The McNatt Learning Center of Morris, Illinois, helps extraordinary people do ordinary things, improving attention, reducing stress in learning, and discovering ease in movement. Our mission is to match each person with practices that make learning and living more efficient and sustainable, then to help him, her or, perhaps, you to implement those practices. We support the informed choice to use—or not to use—psychiatric drugs, but helping people wean off them is beyond our scope of practice. Instead, we help people develop reliable habits of thinking and moving. Since we see behavior as communication, our focus isn’t on labeling people, prescribing medicine, or changing behavior: it’s on listening to and empowering our clients to find safety, security, dignity, and grace—and with these, the freedom to be who they want to be. Our modalities include HANDLE®, 8 Questions™ Coaching, Interactive Metronome, Feldenkrais, and various cognitive training approaches.
Is a sliding scale available?: No
Service Rates: Rates vary by service but are generally between $65 and $100 per hour. Sometimes, we can accept post-dated checks for payment.