Especially if you live in Lane County, Oregon, USA — though sometimes letters outside the region are printed — please consider e-mailing in your own letter to The Register-Guard about the topic of human rights and mental health. [Updated 19 Nov 2012]


Please submit a letter to editor of The Register-Guard

Here is the description from the newspaper itself about how to do this.

The Register-Guard welcomes letters on topics of general interest. Our length limit is 250 words; all letters are subject to condensation. Writers are limited to one letter per calendar month. Because of the volume of mail, not all letters can be printed. Letters must be signed with the writers full name. An address and daytime telephone number are needed for verification purposes; this information will not be published or released.

Mail letters to:

P.O. Box 10188
Eugene, OR 97440-2188 USA

Fax: 541-338-2828
