Front Page

Lawyers acknowledge psychiatry as a torturous means of social control! Survivors and allies relieved someone finally noticed!

Our neighbors to the North are fighting back against institutionalized psychiatry! Read this incredible newsletter and forward to a friend!

“Staff have absolute control over where you go, what you wear, what and when you eat, when you bathe, when you sleep, what restraints you are placed in, whether you are placed in seclusion, and which psychiatric treatment you are administered.”

Spotlight on Institutional Psychiatry is a one-time newsletter, conceived by an ad-hoc group of psychiatrized people and allies in Vancouver, Canada, in response to the release of a 2017 report by the Community Legal Assistance Society of British Columbia: Operating in Darkness: BC’s Mental Health Act Detention System.


Spotlight was compiled and edited by Irit Shimrat, author of Call Me Crazy, Stories from the Mad Movement, co-founder and coordinator of the Ontario Psychiatric Survivors’ Alliance and editor of the late, great Canadian national magazine Phoenix Rising: The Voice of the Psychiatrized.

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