(Published: Apr 05, 2008 07:26 PM)
MindFreedom South Africa issued this news release in March 2008.
(Published: Sep 23, 2007 06:55 PM)
Before the 10th International Conference on Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology held in August, 2007, at Sun City, South Africa –ten years after the South African “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” found startling evidence of human rights abuses in the medical and psychiatric fields under apartheid– MindFreedom South Africa announced that it seeking submissions of models of human behavior and alternative hypotheses of mental health, in the hope of putting an end to coercive psychiatry.
(Published: Sep 17, 2007 04:19 AM)
This following essay, by one of the organizers of MindFreedom South Africa, was written in the wake of the Mad Pride 2007 vigil in Cape Town South Africa. David Robert Lewis calls for a broader social movement that includes cognitive rights, as well as bodily and psychological integrity, so that South Africans can feel safe and secure about their freedom.
(Published: Sep 10, 2007 08:33 PM)
South African members of the World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (WNUSP), in collaboration with MindFreedom South Africa, have announced the release of the Cape Town Declaration. The declaration is expected to be formalized (and assented to) during Mad October — a Mad Pride Event — by local affiliates of international organizations working for psychiatric rights.
(Published: Aug 25, 2007 11:35 AM)
MindFreedom South Africa launched a new project in the summer of 2007, at the founding meeting of the Maitland Ubuntu Centre for Treatment: Alternatives in Mental Health and Psychrights Advocacy. The Ubuntu Centre was conceived as a means for helping to heal the racially-charged divisions of South Africa’s apartheid past, marked by suffering of the vast majority of people given racial or blood-based labels, many of whom are now consigned to suffering the further indignity of being branded by biopsychiatry,