Oregon Ted Governor vs. state-wide voice of mental health consumers
Information about how Oreegon’s Governor Ted Kulongoski has — for more than six years — refused to grant any resources for the state-wide voice of mental health consumers and psychiatric survivors. Ever since January 2002, the Governor’s first month in office, he has continued to propose zero funds for activities such as a mental health consumer affairs office. Most USA states have some kind of funding to support the state-wide empowerment and voice of mental health clients. Not Oregon. Ask the Governor, “Why Zero?”
REJECTED: Oregon Gov. Kulongoski vs. state-wide voice of mental health clients.
Oregon’s Governor Ted Kulongoski rejected this proposal from his own mental health system to support the state-wide voice of mental health consumers and psychiatric survivors with an office of mental health consumer affairs. Most USA states have some kind of support to encourage the empowerment state-wide of mental health clients. Not Oregon. Gov. Kulongoski met with mental health client organization leaders and pledged support in 2009. But this 2009 proposal was killed by the Governor, and one of its main authors, a leader of Oregon mental health system Bob Nikkel, was transferred out of his job.
Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski meets with mental health clients.
The Governor of Oregon Ted Kulongoski meets with leaders of mental health client organizations in June 2008, and pledges support for the state-wide empowerment and voice of mental health consumers and psychiatric survivors.
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