Free state-wide gathering of Oregon mental health consumers and psychiatric survivors will be sponsored by Oregon Consumer/Survivor Coalition (OCSC), preceding the national Alternatives conference.
What |
When | Oct 10, 2012 from 01:00 PM to 04:00 PM |
Where | Portland, Oregon |
Contact Name | David Oaks |
Contact Phone | 541-345-9106 |
Attendees | All are welcome (please pre-register). |
Add event to calendar | vCal |
To download a PDF flyer, click here.
All Are Welcome!
Oregon Mental Health Consumer/Survivor
Statewide Gathering
FREE Kick-Off Event (Preceding National Alternatives Conference)
Date: Wednesday, October 10, 2012 • World Mental Health Day!
Time: 1 pm to 4 pm
Place: Portland Oregon Marriott Downtown Waterfront Hotel
1401 SW Naito Parkway
You are invited to this free historic meeting to:
- ** Bring together a “United Voice for Change” in Oregon’s mental health system
- ** Hear speakers for empowerment in mental health, including Lauren Spiro from Washington, D.C., Director of National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery.
- ** Introduce, support and connect with other Oregon mental health consumer/survivor leaders, organizations and allies from throughout the State.
- ** Meet one another!
- ** Work together to define our common 2013 Oregon Legislative Session action goals.
Free tasty break food, tea and Starbucks coffee provided.
IMPORTANT: This is a free gathering but space is limited.
To reserve your place you must email in your name soon by Thursday, 4 October 2012 to:
Sponsored by Oregon Consumer/Survivor Coalition.
OCSC is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) founded in 2007 by groups of, by and for Oregon mental health consumer/survivors:
OCSC: A United Voice for Change in Oregon Mental Health Care.
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