A few of the mainstream and alternative media that have mentioned or covered MindFreedom International.
DISCLAIMER: MFI lists articles for non-commercial public education, author is responsible for content; forwarding in no way implies endorsement of all or part.
Coalition seeks mental health consumer ‘voice’ for Oregonians
- One of the main publications for the mental health industry in the United States, Mental Health Weekly, covered MindFreedom’s work to help support funding for the state-wide voice of mental health consumers and psychiatric survivors in Oregon.
“Minnesota man fights forced electroconvulsive therapy”
- Here is a transcript of the Minnesota Public Radio’s piece on Ray Sandford.
Against his will: Minnesota man fights court-ordered electroshock treatments
Oregon benefits from Lilly case
- David Oaks, Director of MindFreedom International, is quoted in this article about a court judgment against Eli Lilly calling for criminal penalties for drug company executives who violate human rights.
Mental-health activist dies at 42
- David Romprey was frequently quoted in his home town’s newspaper in Salem, Oregon. There have been articles covering his work, and letters to the editor by David. One of the reporters who has interviewed him previously wrote this piece about his death. [Correction: Newspaper mistakenly said David’s daughter is Emily; Becky Child tell us her name is actually Eleanor.]
Mad Pride: Beyond depression, a demand for rights from mental illness sufferers
- An online publication for “citizen journalists” has a brief article about the Mad Pride movement that includes mention of MindFreedom and MFI director David Oaks
New York Times Covers Mad Pride!
- The 11 May 2008 New York Times published an article about the global Mad Pride movement, including spotlighting MindFreedom International, and several sponsor groups in the MindFreedom coalition. Mad Pride celebrates the international movement for creative maladjustment!
‘I’m myself again and I cherish it daily’
- MindFreedom Ireland founder Mary Maddock was featured in a major newspaper story in Ireland. Mary Maddock is a former nun, an electroshock survivor, founder of MindFreedom Ireland based in Cork, Ireland, and author of the book Soul Survivor. One of the main newspapers in Ireland ran a major feature about Mary. Mary is on the board of directors of MindFreedom International.
Critics fear changes could worsen voluntary care
- As one of the impacts from the Cho massacre at Virginia Tech, Virginia is passing laws making it easier to forcibly drug citizens on an outpatient basis. Here, Frank Blankenship of MindFreedom Virginia (and chair of the MindFreedom Affiliate Support Committee) warns that this can lead to massive psychiatric drugging, while ignoring drug-free alternatives.
New mental health coalition organizes survivors for reform
- The main newspaper sold by low income and homeless people on the streets of Portland, Oregon, USA — Street Roots — covers the launch of the board of directors for the Oregon Consumer/Survivor Coalition.
Oregon Public Broadcasting Radio spotlights MindFreedom opposition to forced psychiatric drugs.
- David Oaks, Director of MindFreedom, is interviewed on OPB radio about his experience of forced psychiatric drugging, and MindFreedom’s opposition to forced mental health procedures.
Shock Therapy Emerges As Detail in Therapist’s Killing
- One of the main newspapers for New York City — the NY Sun — ran this brief article about electroshock because the topic came up in coverage of a murder. MindFreedom director David Oaks is quoted criticizing electroshock.
Group calls for investigation of suicide at Federal Medical Center
- The main newspaper for Rochester, Minnesota carried a story about how MindFreedom International is calling for an investigation of the death of MFI member Michael Heston, who committed suicide after years of forced psychiatric drugging.
One year later, few new policies
- The main newspaper for Eugene, Oregon looks back over the one year that has passed since the shooting death by police of 19 year-old Ryan Salisbury, who ran out of his home holding a knife. MindFreedom Lane County has worked on the issue for a year, and the article includes a reference to MindFreedom director David Oaks.
Addressing a ‘Shocking’ Issue
- The student newspaper for Northeastern University covered a vigil by MindFreedom Maine outside a speech by Kitty Dukakis in Boston. Ms Dukakis co-authored a book that, while warning of memory problems from electroshock, mainly praises the procedure. MindFreedom members are quoted in the article as saying that the book unfairly omits information critical of the procedure.
Eli Lilly to bolster Zyprexa warning
- This newspaper from the home city of Eli Lilly – Indianapolis – covered the announcement that the Food & Drug Administration is forcing the drug company giant to emphasize a warning about certain hazards related to their psychiatric drug Zyprexa. The article quotes MindFreedom director David Oaks as calling the Eli Lilly warning “too little, too late.”
ABC News runs debate on newer electroshock, quotes MindFreedom
- ABC News web site ran a “pro and con” piece about so-called “new” electroshock using supposedly brief pulse electricity to induce a convulsion. Several movement activists and MindFreedom members, including director David Oaks, are quoted. You can comment on the ABC web site.
Just Say No
- This article in the San Francisco Weekly mentions MindFreedom and quotes MFI board member Matt Morrissey from the MFI sponsor group Full Spectrum. The writer explores the life and perspective of those struggling to find non-drug alternatives for mental and emotional problems and differences.
Paved With Good Intentions?
- The publication National Journal ran an article that seems to slant toward more forced psychiatric procedures, and appears to blame the 1960’s “counter-culture” for the Virginia Tech tragedy. But at least the piece quotes MindFreedom director David Oaks a few times, such as about the importance of hearing from those on the “sharp end of the needle.”
Let’s Go Crazy: The Decline in US Mental Health under Bush
- The online publication Common Dreams published this article by by Heather Wokusch about how, “…poverty, homelessness, violence and social uncertainty… have run rampant during the Bush years while psychiatric treatment options have disappeared. Nowhere has this trend been more prevalent – and more heartbreaking – than with Katrina survivors and veterans of Bush’s wars.” MindFreedom’s perspective included.
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