Two downloadable info sheets about the MindFreedom Directory of Alternatives
Here are two info sheets you may download, print out, photocopy,, to inform providers and the public about the MindFreedom Directory of Mental Health Alternatives. Both are two-page PDF’s you can copy back-to-back, and distribute: (1) Principles of the MindFreedom Directory, and (2) a letter and flyer encouraging providers to sign up.
Letter & Flyer About MindFreedom Alternatives Directory
- This is a PDF you can download with a letter and flyer encouraging practitioners to sign up for the MindFreedom Alternatives Directory. Please download, printout, and distribute.
Principles of the MindFreedom Mental Health Alternatives Directory
- You may download a two-page PDF version of the principles of the MindFreedom Directory of Mental Health Alternatives.
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