
MindFreedom International invites you to share stories of labeling, resistance, and recovery.

MindFreedom calls on you share your stories about your experience having a mental health label, how you overcame being just another diagnosis, and any words of wisdom can you share to let others know that there is life after being labeled.

Tell Your Story

  • YouTube: Create your own video of you telling your story about overcominglabels, taking creative action, or otherwise boycotting normality. It gets betterfor psychiatric survivors too! Upload a video with the tag: Life After Labels

    Latonya Snapshot
    See the stories
    others have shared

  • Blog: You can read mental health stories about resistance and recovery, andpost your own at: Life After Labels. Help show young people and the newly-labeled after the hopelessness of psychiatric labeling and drugging. This MFIproject is headed up by Aki, and co-sponsored by Icarus Project. email:

    Facebook: search Life After Labels, and share the page with your friends.

Give Others Hope

Throughout history, people with mental health labels have been given a message of doom, that there is something fundamentally wrong with you, and you will never be normal.

While the number of youth and adults with psychiatric labels is on the rise, so is the need for there to be a message of hope.

MindFreedom wants young adults (and everyone!) to understand that:

  1. You are more than your label. You are an important member of society with a lot to contribute.
  2. Creativity and diversity are positive, enriching elements of a society.
  3. Martin Luther King, Jr. called on us to be “creatively maladjusted.” Maladjustment is a perfectly appropriate, natural response to many things we encounter in this world.
  4. Recovery is possible.

Personal stories help others know that they are not alone, life is not hopeless, and it gets better.

In the spirit of mutual support, please share your story today.

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