Occupy the psychiatric industry with 2 special psychiatric survivor guests: C.J. LINCE (photo right) launched a “people’s” response to psychiatry’s label bible. ERICK FABRIS of Toronto was in the MFI studio about his new book exposing the practice of forced psychiatric drugging of people in their own homes, out in the community. Host: David Oaks, MFI director.
Psychiatric survivor cj lince has a response to the harm of psychiatric labels – label ourselves with the People’s DSM!
This show aired successfully on Saturday, 12 Nov. 2011.
To hear the archive of this and other shows, click here:
Below is the original publicity announcement for the live show:
Occupy the Psychiatric Industry!
This Saturday, 12 November 2011, at 2 pm ET, 11 am PT, your calls are welcome on this live free MindFreedom web radio show, click here:
Two Special Guests:
- C.J. Lince (photo upper right) has a unique approach to “Boycotting Normal” called the “People’s DSM,” turning the tables on psychiatric labeling.
Erick Fabris (photo right) is a psychiatric survivor and mad pride activist, author of a new book on the human rights violation of forcibly drugging people living in their own homes, while living out in the community: “Tranquil Prisons: Chemical Incarceration Under Community Treatment Orders.”
- Host David Oaks is a psychiatric survivor activist for the past 35 years, and director of MindFreedom International. He works with Occupy Eugene.
At the start of the show, 2 pm ET or 11 am PT, you can go directly to the Blog Talk Radio site hosting the monthly “Second Saturday” show, here:
There you can listen and call in LIVE, or hear the archive later.
Call-in Number: (646) 595-2125.
More info on C.J. Lince and her project:
The People’s DSM (also called Identities of Mentally Oppressed Kin or IMOK) is a project where psychiatric survivors reject outside labels and define ourselves however we see fit: a description, a story, a drawing… anything to express our identities without fear of ridicule or medical labeling. C.J. coordinates MindFreedom Portland, Oregon.
C.J. Lince is a social activist and psychiatric survivor living in Portland, Oregon. She is currently in her final year at Portland State University in the bachelor’s of social work program. C.J. believes that unusual thinkers and visionaries who have received pathological labels, who know the workings of oppression from experience, are the best hope for a world in desperate need of a creative system overhaul.
More about Erick and his book:
Erick is a psychiatric survivor, mad activist, and ethnographic writer in Toronto, Canada. After being forcibly treated in Vancouver in 1993, he returned to Toronto, working with West End Psychiatric Survivors to initiate Canada’s first Survivor Pride Day. He soon began to advocate with the Queen Street Patients Council (later Outreach Society). Erick co-founded the No Force Coalition in Ontario in 1999.
For more info about his book Tranquil Prisons click here.
About the Host:
To learn about David W. Oaks (photo right), click here.
YOUR live calls, suggestions, questions are encouraged.
The MindFreedom Boycott Normal Campaign connects deep change in the mental health system, with questioning economic and ecological disasters that are now generally considered “normal.”
For a flyer about a Boycott Normal peaceful protest to “Occupy American Psychiatric Association,” click here:
Tips About How to Listen and Call-in Live, or Hear Archive Later
You can listen and call-in live and free by either computer or phone from anywhere in the world.
WHEN: Saturday, 12 November 2011 – Expanded ninety (90) minute show
- USA: 11 am Pacific, 12 noon Mountain, 1 pm Central, 2 pm Eastern
- UTC/GMT/London: 7 pm [19:00]
- Berlin: 8 pm [20:00]
- Auckland: 7 am
Ask questions by phone, or e-mail questions to radio@mindfreedom.org
Can’t get to a computer that day? No problem! You can use the call-in number just to listen, like a teleconference:
Online, you can join a live chat.
You can also call in via your BlogTalkRadio web site or Skype. For tips on calling via Skype for free, click here.
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