Why protest the American Psychiatric Association? This Saturday, 14 January. 2012, tune in live from wherever you are to hear special guests invite you to peaceful protest the American Psychiatric Association. Boycott normal! Host is David Oaks, MFI director. With your live calls from everywhere in the world. 2 PM ET, 11 AM PT, 90 minutes.
What |
When | Jan 14, 2012 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM |
Where | Global: Free on World Wide Web |
Contact Name | David Oaks, Host |
Contact Phone | (646) 595-2125 |
Attendees | All are welcome. |
Add event to calendar | vCal |
Saturday, 14 January 2012, at 2 pm ET, 11 am PT, your calls are welcome on this live free MindFreedom web radio show.
To tune in at that time click here:
Why should YOU protest the American Psychiatric Association (APA)? Listen and call in live to a MindFreedom Mad Pride Live Free Web Radio show.
Special guests:
ANN RIDER lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and will fly into Philadelphia to protest the APA Annual Meeting on 5 May 2012.
Ann lived a psychiatric and substance abuse history. She is a national leader for hiring mental health consumers and psychiatric survivors to provide peer support. She is on the newly-elected board of the National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery. Ann founded and directs Recovery Empowerment Network (REN).
DEBBIE PLOTNICK is one of the hosts encouraging people to get to Philly to peacefully speak out about changing the mental health system.
Debbie is Director of the Advocacy Division at the Mental Health Association of Southeastern Pennsylvania.
HOST: David W. Oaks is a psychiatric survivor and director of MindFreedom International, based in Eugene, Oregon. David plans to get to Philly for the ‘five-five’ peaceful protest, especially because the APA will be adopting it’s newest label bible, the “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5.”
About host David W. Oaks, click here.
YOUR live calls, suggestions, questions are encouraged.
At the start of the show, 2 pm ET or 11 am PT, you can go directly to the Blog Talk Radio site hosting the monthly “Second Saturday” show, here:
There you can listen and call in LIVE or listen to the archive later.
Call-in Number: (646) 595-2125.
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