Psychiatric survivor activists Ted Chabasinski and Laura Delano (photo on right) explained why they are going to Philadelphia to protest the American Psychiatric Association’s labeling. Why join them to “Occupy the American Psychiatric Association”? Host: David Oaks.
This was another successful MindFreedom Live Web Radio Show! To hear the archive for 14 April 2012 show, go to:
This Saturday, 14 April 2012, at 2 pm ET, 11 am PT, your calls are invited on this live free MindFreedom web radio show.
To listen and call in live at that time (or listen later to archive) click here:
Listen and call in live as two activists who were survivors of abuse by the psychiatric industry, explain why they will be protesting the American Psychiatric Association’s upcoming Annual Meeting in Philadelphia.
Ted Chabasinski of California (photo on right) has been an activist for change in the mental health system for more than three decades. More about Ted.
- Laura Delano: “Initially diagnosed with and medicated for major depression at the age of 14 and re-diagnosed with bipolar disorder at the age of 18, Laura tapered off of her last psychotropic medication and no longer lives with a psychiatric diagnosis.” See Laura’s blog.
The protest will be held directly across the street from the Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association when they meet in Philadelphia on 5 May 2012. For more information go to
HOST: David W. Oaks (right) is a psychiatric survivor and director of MindFreedom International, based in Eugene, Oregon. David plans to get to Philly for the ‘five-five’ peaceful protest, especially because the APA will be adopting it’s newest label bible, the “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5.” To learn more about the host click here.
How to listen and call-in live:
At the start of the show, 2 pm ET or 11 am PT, go directly to the Blog Talk Radio site hosting the monthly “Second Saturday” show, here:
There you can listen and call in LIVE, or hear the archive later.
Call-in Number: (646) 595-2125
YOUR live calls, suggestions, questions are encouraged.
You can listen and call-in live and free by either computer or phone from anywhere in the world.
WHEN: Saturday, 14 April 2012 – 60 minute show
- USA: 11 am Pacific, 12 noon Mountain, 1 pm Central, 2 pm Eastern
- UTC/GMT/London: 7 pm [19:00]
- Berlin: 8 pm [20:00]
- Auckland: 6 am
Ask questions by phone, or e-mail questions to
Can’t get to a computer that day? No problem! You can use the call-in number (646) 595-2125 just to listen, like a teleconference:
Online, you can also join a live chat with MFI Web Radio Show Sophie Faught.
You can call in via phone, BlogTalkRadio web site or Skype. For tips on calling via Skype for free, click here.
More about MindFreedom International :
MFI is one of the few totally-independent nonprofit organizations in the mental health advocacy field, with zero funding from the mental health system, governments, drug companies or religions.
All are welcome. While a majority of MFI’s members identify as psychiatric survivors, members include family members, advocates and concerned mental health workers.
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