How can the psychiatric survivor and disability movements work together? What about the proposed UN disability treaty in the US Senate? Guests David Morrissey, Celia Brown and Krista Erickson, with host David Oaks, are all advocates in these movements.
Above: David Morrissey is a leader in the disability movement, and director of USICD in Washington, DC.
This was another great show, with three guests and several callers!
For free, you can listen to the archive of this 11 August 2012 show, and many other MindFreedom Free Web Radio shows, here:
Below is the original alert with more info about the show, topic and speakers.
Alert: Contact your US Senator about this treaty, click here.
Disability, Psychiatric Survivors & UN
This Saturday, 11 August 2012, at 2 pm ET, 11 am PT, your calls are welcome on this live free MindFreedom web radio show.
To tune in at that time live, or hear the archive later, click here:
Call-in number: (646) 595-2125.
- How can the psychiatric survivor and disability movements unite?
- How can these movements work together on the United Nations disability treaty now being debated in the US Senate?
Special guests:
- David Morrissey (photo above) is Executive Director of the US International Council on Disability (USICD), one of the main groups coordinating USA passage of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). David Morrissey has worked on diverse disability issues, ranging from youth to Vietnam, and has a master’s degree in Public Service.
Celia Brown (right) is a psychiatric survivor and president of MindFreedom International. Celia led the MFI team in the UN, where she has been known for her warm community building skills. Plus, it’s her birthday, help us thank Celia for her years of work!
Krista Erickson of Illinois (right) is a cross-disability leader: Both a psychiatric survivor and blind, Krista has just been nominated to co-chair the mental health committee of the National Council on Independent Living. She is also on the MFI board.
- Host David W. Oaks (photo below right), is a psychiatric survivor activist for 36 years who directs MindFreedom International in Eugene, Oregon. For a blog entry by David Oaks about debate regarding CRPD, click here.
- Plus your perspective on these questions, news, and more, with your calls answered by our friendly producer Sophie Fought
Tips About How to Listen and Call-in Live
(or hear the archive later)
At the start of the show, 2 pm ET or 11 am PT, you can listen by going to the Blog Talk Radio site hosting this monthly “Second Saturday” show, here:
Call-in Number: (646) 595-2125.
You can listen and call-in live and free by either computer or phone from anywhere in the world.
WHEN: Saturday, 11 August 2012 – 60 minute show
- USA: 11 am Pacific, 12 noon Mountain, 1 pm Central, 2 pm Eastern
- UTC/GMT: 6 pm [18:00]
- Ireland: 7 pm [19:00]
- Berlin: 8 pm [20:00]
- Auckland, NZ: 6 am
Can’t get to a computer that day? No problem! You can use the call-in number (646) 595-2125 just to listen, like a teleconference:
Online, you can also join a live chat with MFI Web Radio Show Sophie Faught.
You can call in via phone, BlogTalkRadio web site or Skype. For tips on calling via Skype for free, click here.
More about MindFreedom International:
MFI is one of the few totally-independent nonprofit organizations in the mental health advocacy field focusing on survivors of human rights violations in the mental health system.
MFI has zero funding from the mental health system, governments, drug companies or religions.
All are welcome. While a majority of MFI’s members identify as psychiatric survivors, members include family members, advocates and concerned mental health workers.
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