Ray Sandford of Minnesota lives at home out in the community in an assisted living group house basement apartment. Every few weeks he is escorted under court order for an involuntary outpatient electroshock, and he’s had about 40. MindFreedom has a campaign to end the forced electroshocks of Ray Sandford.

  • Work
when Apr 15, 2009
from 04:00 AM to 08:00 AM
where North of Minneapolis, MN
contact name
contact phone 541-345-9106
attendees Ray Sandford
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It’s tax day.

Where do your taxes go?

Ray Sandford is getting ongoing forced electroshocks over his clear, repeated, passionate, reasonable objections, all paid for by USA taxpayers.

MindFreedom is compiling a list of the dozens of agencies and individuals in Minnesota who receive some type of taxpayer funding who are supposed to help and protect Ray. A few of these are standing up for him, but most are remaining silent or actively engaging in supporting his ongoing forced electroshock.

For a mental health system claiming it lacks funding during tough times, somehow this system has found thousands upon thousands of dollars to surround Ray with guardians, social workers, escorts, psychiatrists, judges… maintaining Ray’s ongoing forced electroshock, all funded by the taxpayer.

For more information on the Ray Campaign see:


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