Info related to MindFreedom Academic Alliance

Info Info related to MindFreedom Academic Alliance MindFreedom International is supported by a variety of professors and others in universities, etc. They form an “Academic Alliance.” This is information related to the topic, though not necessarily by the Academic Alliance or its members. No albums or photos uploaded yet. Deadline: For submissions to publication on…

MindFreedom Academic Alliance

Info MindFreedom’s network of allies in the academic world MFI Intern Piers Gooding of Melbourne, Australia organized the MindFreedom Academic Alliance.  To go directly to list of MFI Academic Alliance participants, click here.   The Academic Alliance was born from an observation that while there are many academics doing great work in universities and many…

MindFreedom’s Academic Alliance

Info MindFreedom International proudly lunched the MFI Academic Alliance in February 2010. The Alliance is designed as a resource to better link independent mental health activism with the world of academia by listing scholars and research groups who are working toward the empowerment and rights of mental health consumers and psychiatric survivors. It is also…

MindFreedom Scientific Advisory Board

Info NEWS RELEASE: Al Galves, PhD, author, psychologist, and board member on MindFreedom International, is coordinator of the MindFreedom Scientific Advisory Board.   Al Galves, PhD, author and psychologist, is coordinating the MindFreedom Scientific Advisory Board. Al is shown here addressing a protest in front of the American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, 17 May 2009.…

MindFreedom Scientific Advisory Board

Info NEWS RELEASE: Al Galves, PhD, author, psychologist, and board member on MindFreedom International, is coordinator of the MindFreedom Scientific Advisory Board. Al Galves, PhD, author and psychologist, is coordinating the MindFreedom Scientific Advisory Board. Al is shown here addressing a protest in front of the American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, 17 May 2009. Updated:…