New York Times Covers Mad Pride!

Info The 11 May 2008 New York Times published an article about the global Mad Pride movement, including spotlighting MindFreedom International, and several sponsor groups in the MindFreedom coalition. Mad Pride celebrates the international movement for creative maladjustment! Bonkersfest in UK is one of the largest Mad Pride events, attracting 3,000 people. For original NY…

Mad Pride 2008 updates

Info Here are a few of the upcoming anchor events for Mad Pride 2008. Mad Pride has celebrated human diversity and creative maladjustment for a decade, and now you can participate anywhere! MindFreedom Ghana in Africa is again holding one of the big Mad Pride events this July 2008! Perhaps the New York Times article…

Bernard M. Coelho, MD: Ray Sandford’s electroshock doctor

Ray says that the psychiatrist who directly administers the electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) to him at Mercy Hospital is Dr. Bernard M. Coelho, who has advertised that his specialty is electroshock. updated 27 May 2009 Name: Bernard M. Coelho, MD, psychiatrist and electroshock doctor, at Mercy Hospital. City/State:  Coon Rapids, Minnesota Connection to Ray’s case: Ray identifies this…

News about MindFreedom Lane County

Info Some of the latest news about MindFreedom Lane County, an affiliate of MindFreedom International based in Oregon, USA. Since MindFreedom International is based right here in Lane County, Oregon, there’s a lot happening. Thanks for looking for more information about MindFreedom Lane County.  If there’s one thing you do…. be sure to say in…