David Oaks will be one of the speakers at this gathering to help support the movement led by mental health consumers and psychiatric survivors in California.

  • Rally
when Oct 28, 2011
from 11:00 AM to 02:00 PM
where Culver City, California
contact name
attendees All are welcome. Free.
add event to calendar  vCal


Friday, October 28, 2011

Big Mental Health Consumer/Survivor RALLY

A Rally to Save the California Survivor/Consumer Movement will be held from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm on Friday, October 28 at 6666 Green Valley Circle , Culver City, California.

There are some minor changes to the schedule.  Speakers will be given 15 minutes each to allow more time for open mic and brainstorming.  Attached are the Rally flyer and schedule.

Please help spread the word about this important event to ensure a bright future for the Survivor/consumer movement.

The rally organizing committee is trying to reach as many California Consumers/Survivors and ex-mental patients as possible. As we lay plans for restructuring the statewide infrastructure for consumers/survivors, we need broad input and participation.  Please forward this email widely.



Rally Organizing Committee Chair


MindFreedom International

And CNMHC South Region