For a recording of this interview, click on the red arrow above.

To read an excellent book review published in the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics click HERE.

“In my view, the most important aspect of the book – and why it is worth reading – is that it highlights the obligation of doctors to become fully informed about the harms of antipsychotic drugs and raises awareness of the circumstances in which a patient’s right to consent to a medical therapy is violated”

Maryanne Demasi author of “Outing Drug Company Corruption Comes at a Cost” a book review of the Zyprexa Papers published in the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics’ HERE

In the words of Dr. Peter Breggin “Attorney Jim Gottstein is a human rights hero. At grave personal and professional risk to himself, he made public the inside information demonstrating that Eli Lilly & Co was hiding the deadly effects of its so-called antipsychotic drug Zyprexa. Jim’s new book, The Zyprexa Papers, is a dramatic and revelatory exposé coupled with an inspirational message that people can and do recover from deeply distressed psychospiritual experiences, including psychosis, without taking drugs that can destroy their health and even take their lives. Yet there is much more to Jim’s career, including many successful cases before the Alaska Supreme Court on behalf of patient rights. There is no other lawyer in the world like Jim Gottstein. This is a great discussion between two lifelong reformers.”

Psychrights, founded by Jim Gottstein is a sponsor organization of MindFreedom International. You can read more about the work of Psychrights at