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Creative Maladjustment Week is finally here!The week of July 7-14th 2013 we are definitely boycotting “normal” and raising awareness about human rights in the mental health system!Read more to find out about the events we have planned for Lane County, Oregon…


Creative Maladjustment Week is here!
July 7-14th 2013 we are Boycotting Normal and Raising Awareness about Human Rights in the Mental Health system!
These are the events we have planned for Eugene, Oregon…

Sunday: Day of Creativity

At the MindFreedom International Offices 12pm-2pm
454 Willamette St, Suite 216-617
Eugene, OR 97401

We’ll be creating place mats and/or crazy paper bag hats to wear during the week. And wear them with style on Wednesday during the Mad Hatter’s Tea and Sympathy Party. Share what creativity has meant to you in working through challenges.

At Ken Kesey Square 2pm-4pm

We’ll be doing sidewalk art with beautiful images and peaceful messages while we share in the delicious snacks from “Food Not Bombs”

Monday: Day of Action & Movement

MindFreedom Offices 2pm-4pm
454 Willamette St, Suites 216-217
Eugene, OR 97401

Later, at Ken Kesey Square 5pm-9:30pm…
Bust a Move! Free Dance Party! Come join us with DJ Stoltz!
We will provide some water to rehydrate you as you dance away the workday worries

Tuesday: Day of Laughter and Joyful Noise

Cozmic Pizza – 6pm – 9pm
Open Mic for amateur comedians and Demos of Comedy Skits from 6m-8pm | Music by NineDice from 8pm-9pm to send us out on an energetic note!

Wednesday: Day of Kindness
Share some kindness with Everyone Everywhere!

Mad Hatters Tea & Sympathy
Owen Rose Garden 4-7
Eugene, OR
Dress in costume and enjoy delicious iced tea! Bring your place mats created on Sunday

Download our guide to contacting your legislators

Thursday: Day of Self Care

Be Kind to yourself Everywhere!

MindFreedom Offices  5pm-7pm
454 Willamette St, Suites 216-217
Eugene, OR 97401

Friday: Day of Community Care

Oregon Country Fair 3pm-4pm
See Dr. “Patch” Adams and his friend, dissident psychiatrist Dr. Carl Hammerschlag!

LILA Peer Support Club 5pm-7pm
990 Oak St
Eugene, OR 97401

Snacks and a viewing of  the film “Open Dialogue” and a discussion with a small panel from the local Mental Health Community. We will discuss the importance of community in healing.

Saturday: Legacy of Lunacy

Oregon Country Fair 3pm-4pm
See Dr. “Patch” Adams and his friend, dissident psychiatrist Dr. Carl Hammerschlag!

In Town: Ken Kesey Square At Sunset
Join us for a small gathering of folks remembering those who have fallen in the struggle for dignity in the mental health system and those who continue to struggle. Remember WE are the legacy for those who follow.

Sunday: Day of Pride

MindFreedom Offices 11am-3pm
454 Willamette St, Suites 216-217
Eugene, OR 97401

Gather to share highlights of the week, share where we are personally, and our hopes  for next year’s Creative Maladjustment Week!

Do you have some time to give at the MFI Offices or at our events? It’s not too late for Creative Maladjustment Week. We still need help!

-Someone with a vehicle to transport on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday
-Staffing information tables at any event
-Help getting flyers out to people
-Donate the use of a Tea Set for Wednesday’s event
-Art supplies for Sunday

Call the MindFreedom Offices at 541-345-9106 to see how you can help!

In Support,
LaTonya Gibbs
Member Services Coordinator
phone: (541) 345-9106

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