Calendar info and PDF flyer for the Opal Network quarterly meeting in Eugene Public Library in Eugene, Oregon, at 7 pm. Presenter: Pam Birrell, PhD.
Opal Network: Restore Human Dignity in Mental Health Care Through Authentic Relationship
- PAM BIRRELL, PhD. will discuss, “How can family, friends, and mental health workers support the humanity of a person who is diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder?” Mental health consumer/psychiatric survivor panel will join in free public forum.
Opal Network January 31, 2012 Meeting Flyer
- Here you may download a one-page PDF (516 k) about the next Opal Network meeting at the Eugene Public Library, 1/31/12 at 7 pm. Speaker: PAM BIRRELL, PhD. Topic: Restore Human Dignity in Mental Health Care Through Authentic Relationship. Panel: Jerry Smith and T.C. Dumas. [Corrected photo 1/30]