Front Pageshield

August 2, 2024 Update

Juba Mahiou, a young immigrant to Quebec, was detained for over six months at the Centre Intégré de Santé et de Services Sociaux de Laval (CISSS Laval) after a dispute with his family. Dr. Ali Jaber recieved court approval to forcibly drug Juba there, even as the judge acknowledged in his written decision that the high doses of powerful drugs put Juba at risk of tardive dyskinesia and Parkinson’s symptoms. The staff also called Juba delusional whenever he spoke about xenophobia he faced. Although Juba has been released from CISSS Laval, he continues to be forcibly drugged with Invega Sustenna under Dr. Jaber’s orders.
In both the USA and Canada, we are witnessing the spread of “hospitals without walls,” through Community Drugging Orders, euphemistially called “Assisted Outpatient Treatment” or similar names. These will be aimed against more and more of us if we are not vigilant about defending each other.

Call to action

Please contact CISSS Laval representatives via the following methods:

  • On weekday afternoons after 1:00 Eastern Time, call Dr. Ali Jaber’s secretary at 1-450-662-3665. A recording will play menu options in French; press 3 and then 6 to get through.
  • Outside of those hours, you can call CISSS Laval’s main line at 1-450-668-1010. For Reception, press 0.
  • Email CISSS Laval decisionmakers at and

We recommend including the following points in your message to CISSS:

  • Invega can cause Parkinson’s-like effects and other adverse effects that themselves require more drugs to treat, which the judge even acknowledged in his ruling, and the Invega Sustenna injections create even worse side effects.
  • The UN Special Rapporteur on Torture has concluded this kind of forced drugging can constitute torture.
  • People all over the world are watching Juba’s abuse!

Please let us know what actions you take on behalf of Juba by posting them in the comments below.

Juba Discharged, but Still Subject to Forced Drugging

July 15, 2024.

Juba has been freed from the CISSS de Laval institution in Quebec!  It is unknown to what extent the MindFreedom Shield Alert might have resulted in freeing Juba, but he was locked up for five or six months before his Alert went out and was freed within a month of his Alert being issued.

Even though he has been freed from confinement, because of a judge’s order, Dr. Ali Jaber is still able to force injections of Invega Sustenna on Juba.

Juba would like people to advocate to stop this ongoing assault.

After 1:00 EST on weekday afternoons, you can reach Dr. Ali Jaber’s secretary by calling the psychiatry office at 1-450-662-3665.  A recording will play menu options in French; press 3 and then 6 to get through.

Otherwise, call CISSS Laval’s main line at 1-450-668-1010.   For Reception, press 0. You can ask for Dr. Ali Jaber, or just share your message with the receptionist.

Points To Emphasize:
– Invega can cause Parkinson’s-like effects and other adverse effects that themselves require more drugs to treat, which the judge even acknowledged in his ruling, and the Invega Sustenna injections create even worse side effects.
– The UN Special Rapporteur on Torture has identified this kind of forced drugging as cruel and unusual treatment.
– People all over the world are watching Juba’s abuse!

You can also send your demands for Juba’s rights to the information office of CISSS Laval at:

Here are sample messages you can use, in English and French:

“My name is___. I am sending you this email because I am concerned about your patient Juba Mahiou. I understand Juba has been forced to take Invega Sustenna against his will. He has also been denied his right to a fair court hearing by not being allowed to present evidence of his competency. I ask that you allow Juba to cease the medication as he wishes.”

“Je m’appelle ___. Je vous envoie ce courriel parce que je m’inquiète pour votre patient Juba Mahiou. Je comprends que Juba a été contraint de prendre des Invega Sustenna contre son gré. Il a également été privé de son droit à un procès équitable en n’étant pas autorisé à présenter des preuves de sa compétence. Je vous demande de permettre à Juba d’arrêter le traitement s’il le souhaite.””


July 11, 2024.  We have heard from Juba that he was indeed let out of the psychiatric prison at which he was confined, but still being subjected to forced drugging.  He requests people to keep calling Ali Jaber to have this stopped.  See information below on how to contact Jaber.

Please comment below sharing the actions you have taken.  The system requires us to approve comments so it may take a bit of time for it to show up.

Juba Freed?

July 2, 2024.  Juba thought he was going to be released and the hospital says there is nobody there by that name, which usually means the person has been freed.

Free Juba!

June 6, 2024.  Juba Mahiou, a young man who immigrated with his family to Quebec, has been detained for over six months in a psychiatric ward. Today we are asking you to call in solidarity, to demand his immediate release.

He has been detained since December of 2023 in the “Centre Intégré de Santé et de Services Sociaux de Laval,” an institution near Montreal.

Much of this has stemmed from conflict with his father when he lived with his family. Last winter, after a heated argument with his father, the family called the police and the police forced Juba into the hospital. Mental health programs will often treat problems between family members, as problems within the person with least power in the conflict.

A previous court ruling was made in Juba’s favor in March of 2018, when Juba was taken to a hospital and Judge Marie-France Biche ruled there was no grounds to keep him there against his will. This time, in a May 21, 2024 Juba Mahiou Order, however, Judge Chantale Massé said Juba was “lying to get out of the hospital,” and imposed a 45-day detention on him. Juba is now also being forced to take the powerful long-acting drug Invega Sustenna against his will.  See, English Translation of Order.

The judges and psychiatrists have also treated it as “psychosis” when Juba has talked about xenophobia he experienced as an immigrant, and labeled him with “delusional disorder.”

Juba says, “On December 7, 2023, the police transported me once again to the hospital in the psychiatry department in which I am still there. Every time I try to leave the hospital [the doctor] tells me I’m just lying to get out of the hospital. Psychiatrists say that I am mentally ill because I say that I am the victim of discrimination, I say there is a lack of impartiality among judges.”

When volunteers called Juba, he discussed with us how he was familiar with Dr. Jonathan Metzl’s work, “The Protest Psychosis,” and how many activists in America were called “delusional” for talking about oppression.

After his initial court hearing in January, Juba went back to court, hoping to move his next hearing date. Instead a “Safeguard Order” was imposed on him by Judge Louis Charette. Juba was also not allowed to present evidence at his own hearing, such as evaluations from psychologist Arturo Castellanos that affirmed Juba’s competency, which the judge rushed past and refused to discuss.

It is now over six months that Juba Mahiou has been trapped in this pattern of indefinite detention. He says, “This drug is supposedly to cure me, but I cannot work or do anything on it, there is just no way to live like this.”

We are asking you to call psychiatrist Dr. Ali Jaber and demand that Juba Mahiou be allowed to cease taking Invega Sustenna and be allowed to go home!

Call 1-450-668-1010. 

Call CISSS Laval’s main line at 1-450-668-1010. For Reception, press 0.

You can ask for Dr. Ali Jaber, or just share your statement for him with the receptionist.

After 1:00 EST in the afternoon, you can reach Dr. Ali Jaber’s secretary by calling the psychiatry office at: 450-662-3665.

A recording will play menu options in French; press 3 and then 6 to get through.

You can also send your demands for Juba’s freedom to the information office of CISSS Laval at:

Here are sample messages you can use, in English and French:

“My name is___. I am sending you this email because I am concerned about your patient Juba Mahiou. I understand Juba has been forced to take medication against his will. He has also been denied his right to a fair court hearing by not being allowed to present evidence of his competency. I ask that you allow Juba to cease the medication if he wishes and, furthermore, that he be released immediately.”

“Je m’appelle ___. Je vous envoie ce courriel parce que je m’inquiète pour votre patient Juba Mahiou. Je comprends que Juba a été contraint de prendre des médicaments contre son gré. Il a également été privé de son droit à un procès équitable en n’étant pas autorisé à présenter des preuves de sa compétence. Je vous demande de permettre à Juba d’arrêter le traitement s’il le souhaite et, en outre, de le libérer immédiatement.”

You can also call the Committee of CISSS Laval Users at: 450-978-8609 and email them at: about protecting Juba from this attack on his liberty and health.

Please recognize that Juba is at risk of retaliation and you are supporting Juba under the MindFreedom banner, so we ask you to take these into account when you call or write.

Also, please comment below sharing the actions you have taken.  The system requires us to approve comments so it may take a bit of time for it to show up.

And if you or other allies speak French, please be in touch through the comment section below or at to help cross the language divide for us.


  1. Copied and pasted the French messages and sent to both emails. Got a notification of receipt on Population Information Service of the Integrated Health and Social Services Center

    Thank you for all the work you’ve done on this shield alert Lily and everyone else!

  2. Hi!
    I copied the message that was in the email (the message provided in English and French) and sent it along to both addresses.

    I’m so sorry this is happening ❤️

  3. (To the committee of information and information users..the two email addresses given in last mfi email today):

    “Pour l’attention urgente de les medecins et al.)

    Je m’appelle Claire Gaudry. Je vous envoie ce courriel parce que je m’inquiète pour votre patient Juba Mahiou. Je comprends que Juba a été contraint de prendre des médicaments contre son gré. Il a également été privé de son droit à un procès équitable en n’étant pas autorisé à présenter des preuves de sa compétence. Je vous demande de permettre à Juba d’arrêter le traitement s’il le souhaite et, en outre, de le libérer immédiatement.

    I am writing in solidarity with Mind Freedom International appeal to free Juba Mahiou.

    I hope you will listen and consider this appeal as many see what you are doing is wrong. I can write but you can take good action and act..In support of the rights of Mr Juba Mahiou.
    It is extremely concerning he will otherwise continue to suffer without your help.

    Please stop the bullying ,the unjust and brutal situation. It is harmful and wrong to be ignored and forced to be given drugging with deprivation of his liberty. And no representation whilst affecting his cognition and memory and brain with disempowerment and detrimental effects.

    Wrongfully chemically restraining and locking up people, .What “good” is coming from this deliberate allying with those in favour of locking up and silencing people. Is it for those who disagree with their family, or an employer, the big pharma companies or the general consensus of population? Do you know really what is going on ? Why is this being perpetrated behind closed doors, this hospital violence can it ever be justified as ‘treatment” when no consent actually is given by the victim of these heinous processes? This is a violation ,not right , it is unacceptable medical assault on a person’s brain, life,basic human rights.

    No consent given it is wrong.
    Please cease this nightmare, stop 🛑 the injustice, inequality and discrimination.
    Please Take good action to immediately free Monsieur Juba Mahiou and restore his right to live his life which none should it has the right to take away ..This forced drugging is an attempt surely to effect his competence to be able to present his evidence or have true representation. Justice therefore is being denied him. Because your system is drugging this man. Please stop. Free Juba.

    Avec Sincerite
    Claire Gaudry”

  4. Hi! I’m from Montreal, used to be a nurse, and am somewhat aware of laws regading competency and consent to care. I’ve read the court order and it seems somewhat irregular. Does Juba have a lawyer? (I understand costs are prohibitive, but many take leagal aid, and I may have a firm to refer who helped my mom in a similar situation)

    • Hi Fanny, it’s great to hear from some Montreal locals on this. Yes Juba has an appointed lawyer but he isn’t representing Juba very well.
      Juba has started a gofundme for future court fees, and to stay housed somewhere safe after his release so he doesn’t get back into the same situation again, at
      Thank you!

  5. I’m from Montreal, Quebec. My spoken French is poor but I’m trying to find somebody who is fluent.
    I sent an email to in French. I’ll paste it here in case anybody else wants to send an email in French.

    “Je m’appelle ___. Je vous envoie ce courriel parce que je m’inquiète pour votre patient Juba Mahiou.
    Je comprends que Juba a été contraint de prendre des médicaments contre son gré. Il a également été privé de son droit à un procès équitable en n’étant pas autorisé à présenter des preuves de sa compétence. Je vous demande de permettre à Juba d’arrêter le traitement s’il le souhaite et, en outre, de le libérer immédiatement.”

    English translation:
    My name is___. I am sending you this email because I am concerned about your patient Juba Mahiou. I understand Juba has been forced to take medication against his will. He has also been denied his right to a fair court hearing by not being allowed to present evidence of his competency. I ask that you allow Juba to cease the medication if he wishes and, furthermore, that he be released immediately.

  6. how to leave a message (for English speakers):

    1. hit 9 for English
    2. directory will start. hit 1.
    3. hit 6 (I think) and leave a message.

    • Thanks for your persistence in this frustrating difficult situation, Ria!
      When I dial 9 for English and then 1 for the directory, 6 then takes me to the “MNO” name listings. When and how were you able to leave a message? If you want I can give you my email to contact me.

  7. I tried calling, introducing myself using my title, “Dr.” The operator paged his cell phone which he did not answer & recommended I call back on Monday.

    It is helpful to emphasize poorer long-term outcomes in many if not most patients subjected to involuntary treatment of any kind, particularly hospitalization/detention/incarceration and involuntarily administered medication.

    • That’s great Cheryl, that you managed to get through to his phone rather than the general hospital number!
      I am trying to help out with Juba’s case, would you like my email to discuss this more?

  8. I just called and followed instructions but a woman’s voice speaking in French only, no option, kept on jabbering.

    I hope Juba is released. Is that drug worse then haladol?

    this is how the NWO wants to treat us…I hope this circulating the globe will awaken the people..I feel like I need
    to puke. they are so evil so many people can’t believe it. I got that right. The lie is so frightening but the truth is even more frightening. We must STOP them.


    • Unfortunately this is a pretty old social order, not a new one. Thank you for trying to get through.

      It is hard to reach a person rather than a recording that repeats itself. However two additional numbers I found are:
      450-662-3665 for the psychiatry department
      877-476-6112 for the CSSS Information line

  9. Hello Juba,

    I did try calling four times today and kept getting disconnected from the call. Hope all is well. Praying for your quick release.


  10. I called just now, on a Friday. The receptionist told me the Department of Psychiatry opens at 1 p.m. (1300) EST.

Comments are closed.