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Is your state considering legislation that could erode your rights?

If so, it’s time to fight back!

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

12:00 PM Hawaii

3:00 PM Pacific

4:00 PM Mountain

5:00 PM Central

6:00 PM Eastern

7 PM Brazil Standard

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The need for people with disabilities to get involved in the political process has never been higher.

Join Judi’s Room on March 5, 2025, at 6 p.m. ET (3 p.m. PT)  to learn why this is so.

Examples of bad legislation will be presented, followed by ways that people can fight back

  1. Oregon House Bill 2467 and Senate Bill 171 (which, if passed into law, will have the effect of lowering the standard for involuntarily ‘treating’ individuals) Sign up to here receive Oregon legislative updates related to these bills.

  2. Connecticut General Assembly House Bill 6837 which would extend forced forced electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) Sign up here to receive legislative alerts.

These examples make it clear that proponents of force and coercion in the mental health system use fear to influence lawmakers. They are organized and well funded.

We will explore things which may keep us from effectively fighting back……

FEAR: “Will I or my loved one face retribution if I publicly criticize the mental health system?”

DESPAIR:  “I used to get more involved in the past but none of my efforts bore fruit; the system has only gotten worse!”

COMPLACENCY: ‘Someone else needs to take care of this problem. It’s not my job.”

We will also explore factors that keep our movement divided, rather than united, reducing our political power.

Learn how to:

  • Get involved in the legislative process.

  • Raise public awareness.

  • Discover your leadership skills

  • Build an effective coalition in your community!

Judi’s Room is a collaboration between I Love You, Lead On and Mind Freedom International. We meet the first Wednesday each month.

If you would like to receive invitations to Judi’s Room, be sure to sign up by sending an email to and put ‘Add Me to Judi’s Room’ in the subject heading.

Note: Effective next month, April 2025,  MindFreedom will require pre-registration for each meeting and a new meeting registration link will be provided in late March.

If you wish to support Judi’s Room, please consider making a donation to MindFreedom International

or I Love You Lead On

To enter this month’s meeting click on the link below*

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