A festival for people using the mental health system arranged by MindFreedom sponsor We Shall Overcome.
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when | Aug 22, 2009 12:00 AM to Aug 28, 2009 12:00 AM |
where | Amalidays, Norway |
contact name | post@wso.no |
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A mental health care consumer festival arranged by We Shall Overcome in cooperation with five other organizations.
The festival will open on 22 August 2009 with a keynote address by David W. Oaks, executive director of MindFreedom International: “Our Thoughts Are Free – Unite to Win Human Rights in the Mental Health System.”
David Oaks will also speak on Monday, 24 August 2009.
On 27 August 2009, there will be a demonstration for human rights outside the Norway Parliament.
For the full program see www.wso.no, or contact We Shall Overcome: post@wso.no
We Shall Overcome is one of the oldest psychiatric survivor run organizations in the world, now 41 years old. WSO is also a MindFreedom sponsor group.