Join MindFreedom to get involved in an important social change movement AND receive exclusive member benefits!
Your donation of just $35 will…
Help Change the Mental Health System!
For over 25 years, MindFreedom International has been anon-violent and loving force for CHANGE in the mental health system, with these3 simple goals in mind:
• Challenge human rights abuses by the psychiatric industry.
• Promote safe, humane and effective alternatives in mentalhealth care and self-care.
• Support the self-determination and right to free, criticalthought of ALL human beings (normal or not!)
MindFreedom is the ONLY non-profit coalition in this fieldthat remains 100% financially independent from pharmaceutical companies,governments, and religions — which means we depend on PEOPLE POWER andfinancial support from thousands of individuals like YOU to move our revolutionforward.
With your help, MindFreedom can continue its important work,acting as a beacon on the hill to psychiatric survivors and critical thinkersaround the world!
To give securely online, or tolearn how to join, renew or donate by phone, fax or postal mail, just click here.
Your donation of $35 will…
Bring You Exclusive Benefits!
When you join MindFreedom International, you become part of an importantsocial change movement, a network of people dedicated to activism and criticalthought. MindFreedom can help you get involved with activists around theworld!
Everyone who donates receives a one year MindFreedommembership. This includes:
- Exciting activism and volunteer opportunities (take our volunteer survey to get started!)
- Access to members-only email lists
- A subscription to our newsletter, the MindFreedom Journal
- A 10% discount at our online store:
- Registration for the MindFreedom Shield which means a quick news alert if your rights are threatened
MindFreedom is all about people power, and we need your voice.Donate now, join the conversation, and help win human rights in themental health system!
Here is a recent (2014) example of MindFreedom members making a difference. A short film about the 2014 New York protest against psychiatric abuse:
To make a donation securely and join up, just click here.
Remember that your donations to MFI are tax deductible inthe USA under IRS 501(c)(3)!
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