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by John Abbe, independent consultant to MindFreedom International. • Theater student Caitlin Belforti wants to incorporate ridiculous things mental health professionals have said into a piece she is writing on psychiatric survivors.

didntsaythat.jpgCaitlin Belforti is working on a theater piece on the psychiatric survivor community for her thesis in Theater at Delphi University. She is interviewing people, getting their stories, and writing monologues based off of the interviews. She especially wants to hear about things that psychiatrists and other mental health professionals have said that were oppressive. If you’d like to help out, you can email her at caitlinbelforti(at) with your answer to this question:

“What is the most ridiculous thing a psychiatrist has said to you?”

It could be a sentence or a phrase or a justification for a diagnosis. It doesn’t have to be about you, it could be about a friend or a loved one. Thanks for helping her out! I’ll try to post again with links to her piece, in written or maybe even video form.

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