Panel of speakers, public forum and exhibit tables about transforming the mental health system to support the voice, empowerment and self-determination of mental health consumers and psychiatric survivors.

  • Meeting
when Dec 09, 2006
from 05:00 PM to 06:30 PM
where Salem Public Library; Anderson Rooms A & B; 585 Liberty Street SE; Salem, Oregon.
contact name
contact phone 541-345-9106
attendees All are welcome and invited — free event.
add event to calendar  vCal

Update: Salem Public Library, due to renovation, has moved this to a smaller room. If you wish to assure a seat please arrive early.

Panel of speakers so far includes:

  • Rebecca Eichhorn and Nancy Snider from Project ABLE and the Consumer Care, Partnerships Program
  • David Romprey — Technical Project Manager, National Empowerment Center Oregon
  • Ron Unger — Mental health counselor, ally and leader in transforming mental health system
  • David Oaks, Director, MindFreedom International and psychiatric survivor
  • Your suggestions for speakers and groups are encouraged.


Find out about alternatives in mental health care. Network with others who want to truly transform the  mental health system. Encourage the voice of mental health consumers and psychiatric survivors. Help organize in Salem, and throughout Oregon, for human rights and recovery in the mental health system.

Thanks to a grant from McKenzie River Gathering for this road show on changing the mental health system, which has so far reached Eugene, Corvallis and Portland.

What can you do?

Please spread the word. Plan to attend. Bring friends and family. Suggest speakers for the panel and groups for exhibit tables. Forward this message.

This public event is free and wheelchair accessible.

More information:

David Oaks, Director
MindFreedom International
454 Willamette, Suite 216 – POB 11284
Eugene, OR 97440-3484 USA


office phone: (541) 345-9106
fax: (541) 345-3737

More information about this event…