Strawberry Hampton is a Black transgender woman incarcerated at Logan Correctional Center for “crimes of poverty.” She has faced severe retaliation from her jailers for filing PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) reports and standing up for both herself and other women.
MFI volunteer Lily Naha has organized an emergency fundraiser to raise legal funds for Strawberry. Lily writes:
“[Strawberry] fought to get transferred out of a men’s prison and succeeded, but in Logan she has received death threats from COs, been denied the education and mental health services the judge ordered the prison to provide to her, had her teeth broken, and been put in segregation/isolation for speaking out.
She now has a civil suit against IDOC officials for these abuses which would set precedent for other inmates and hopefully move her closer to her release.”
Please consider donating to help Strawberry cover her court fees, retain legal services, and get legal documentation.