The Institute for the Humanities at Simon Fraser University, in Vancouver, B.C., is hosting conference on madness and society, to be held on June 12-15, 2008. MindFreedom director David W. Oaks is giving a keynote speech at the conference.
What |
When | Jun 12, 2008 01:00 AM to Jun 15, 2008 01:00 AM |
Where | Vancouver, B.C., Canada |
Contact Name | Robert Menzies |
Attendees | All. |
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Conference Announcement
Madness, Citizenship and Social Justice: A Human Rights Conference
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
June 12th to 15th, 2008
The Institute for the Humanities at Simon Fraser University is holding a four-day conference at the SFU Harbour Centre Vancouver campus on June 12th to 15th, 2008.
This event will address a range of issues associated with the regulation and experience of madness, and the conflicting roles of the ‘psy’ professions in contemporary society. Participants will comprise local, Canadian and international academics, users/survivors, activists, advocates, practitioners, journalists, and community workers.
Our objective is to provide a forum in which critical topics, issues and themes related to madness, citizenship, social justice and human rights can be explored across a range of intersecting positions and perspectives.
Along with keynote sessions, lectures, panels, cultural events and workshops, we will be commemorating the 40th anniversary of the landmark film Titicut Follies, with its celebrated director Frederick Wiseman in attendance.
The deadline for proposals has passed.
To have your email address added to the conference listserv, and to receive regular digest updates, please contact Robert Menzies.
Additional conference information, including registration fees and procedures, accommodation and travel options, and programming details, are available on the conference website:
Robert Menzies
Institute for the Humanities
Simon Fraser University
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