Court ruling on Illinois warehoused psychiatric inmates
- Federal Court Advances Challenge to Illinois Policy Warehousing Residents Labeled with Mental Illnesses
Psychiatric Advance Directives
- “Advance directives” on mental health topics can sometimes help prevent forced psychiatric treatment, but too often the psychiatric industry is allowed to override these documents.
US Supreme Court on Freedom of Mind and Irrational Thought
- Here are a couple of brief quotes in US Supreme Court rulings about how the First Amendment guarantees freedom of thought and freedom of mind, even to have so-called “irrational” beliefs.
Information about Illinois court case regarding “deterioration” standard
- An Illinois court struck down a commitment from 2008.
Advocacy to Encourage More Openness at US Mental Health Agency, SAMHSA
- SAMHSA stands for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Systems Administration. SAMHSA is a US federal agency, and it is one of the largest entities in history in the mental health field. Unlike its ‘sister’ agency National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) which mainly works on ‘test tube’ research, SAMHSA is supposed to promote mental health services. While there are some bright spots in SAMHSA, supporting empowerment and alternatives in mental health, unfortunately SAMHSA has been defending the status quo. It’s time for more openness by SAMHSA to truly deep and large changes in US mental health care.
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