Role of art, music, dance, writing, theater in challenging psychiatric human rights violation and in assisting in the emergence of emotional and mental well being and recovery.
Mad arts news, announcements
- A few links, news items, announcements related to the ‘mad arts.’
Mad Poetry
- Poetry cannot be silenced by psychiatric oppression. Here are some examples. Also, MindFreedom Journal has usually had a column of excerpts of Mad Poetry, edited by Bonnie Schell; see info about the journal elsewhere on this web site. You may submit poetry to that column at poetry(at)mindfreedom(dot)org. Please note that by submitting your poem you agree to MindFreedom publishing the whole poem, or excerpts of it. The MindFreedom poetry column is meant to give glimpses of the wonderful poetry out there, and so portions of poems are often used to illustrate this.
- Nothing like humor to help challenge mental health oppression.
Mad Theater
- Use of theater in ways that may help human rights and alternatives in mental health system.
Mad Music
- A few songs and musicians celebrating free minds, and challenging psychiatric human rights violations.
audio activism
- Use of radio and other audible media to promote human rights and alternatives in the mental health system.
The Art of Felice Debra Eliscu
- This folder showcases some of the artwork of Felice Debra Eliscu.
New Featured Products in the Mad Market
- New products in MindFreedom’s online “Mad Market” store: DVD & CD. Plus there are books, brochures, and more. All proceeds benefit MindFreedom’s human rights work!
New Mad Pride Jewelry Benefits MFI
- This folder has information about MindFreedom’s new ‘mad pride jewelry.’ You’ll find news release, photos, and more. Sale of these products benefits human rights campaigns by MindFreedom International.
Celebrities who speak out about human rights in mental health
- While many ‘cultural leaders’ in the film, TV, music and theater world have spoken out about having had mental and emotional problems, it seems most stories end simply with finding conventional mental health care they felt worked. These stories are often moving, and represent a segment of the public. But what about those who experienced some kind of trauma or human rights violations caused by their mental health care? What about celebrities who found recovery through less conventional alternatives than psychiatric prescriptions or electroshock? Why do we not hear more of their perspectives?
Films and movies of interest to ‘mad movement’
- Activists in the mental health consumer and psychiatric survivor movement have found that showing movies that help inform the public about our issues can help. This folder is not meant to be comprehensive at all, but it’s a start about using various films to campaign for human rights and alternatives in mental health. There’s something fun about a film. (Listing film is not necessarily endorsement of all of it, the producers are responsible for content.)
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