Non-Drug Alternatives for Label of Schizophrenia

Article Revisiting Schizophrenia: Are Drugs Always Needed?
This NY Times article questions whether psychiatric drugs must always be given to people labeled “schizophrenic,” and quotes Will Hall from the Freedom Center of Massachusetts, a sponsor group in MindFreedom International.
Article Football tackles schizophrenia and depression
Illustrating the wide range of creative approaches to support people diagnosed schizophrenic — beyond simply a narrow medical model of drug, drug, drug — the UK Guardian reports about how Italian psychiatrists have even obtained “startling results” with football.
Link “Recovery from Schizophrenia” blog by Ron Unger
Recovery from Schizophrenia is a web log authored by Ron Unger, a dissident mental health worker who has been an activist with MindFreedom Lane County for many years. This blog covers ideas about the nature of the personal problems that psychiatry misleadingly labels “schizophrenia” and “psychosis,” news and opinion about why alternatives are needed, and information about some of the effective alternative approaches to recovery.

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