Sunday New York Times on Congressional investigation of Harvard psychiatrist
US Senator Charles E. Grassley helped investigate corruption by the psychiatric drug industry. His investigation revealed that Harvard psychiatrist Dr. Joseph Biederman had illegally covered up much of more than a million dollars he had received from the psychiatric drug industry. Dr. Biederman is credited with helping to increase the number of young people diagnosed as “bipolar” many-fold.
Researchers Fail to Reveal Full Drug Pay
- The Sunday New York Times (8 June 2008) reports about a world-famous Harvard psychiatrist who is considered a catalyst for the enormous increase in psychiatric drugging of kids. Times claims that US Congressional investigators discovered Harvard’s Dr. Joseph Biederman did not disclose to Harvard authorities, as required by law, much of the more than a million dollars he received from psychiatric drug companies. Says NY Times, “his work helped to fuel a controversial 40-fold increase from 1994 to 2003 in the diagnosis of pediatric bipolar disorder.” Below article find MindFreedom commentary, follow-up by Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg news.
Sen. Charles E. Grassley helped investigate psychiatric drug company corruption.
- NY Times caption: Senator Charles E. Grassley pushed three experts in child psychiatry at Harvard to expose their income from consulting fees. Photo credit: J. Scott Applewhite/Associated Press
Dr. Joseph Biederman covered up drug money, says Congress
- NY Times caption: ‘Dr. Joseph Biederman belatedly reported at least $1.6 million in consulting fees.”
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