
Senator Grassley has written to NAMI director Michael J. Fitzpatrick (pictured on right) requesting information about psychiatric pharmaceutical industry funding of NAMI state chapters.

NAMI’s executive director Michael J. Fitzpatrck has been asked to respond by Sen. Grassley about psychiatric drug funding of NAMI State Chapters.

1 May 2010

NAMI-Gate Goes Local

NAMI State Chapters Investigated for Psychiatric Drug Company Funding

In 2009, Sen. Grassley determined that more than half of national NAMI’s income secretly came from psychiatric drug corporations.

In 2010, Sen. Grassley is asking for each NAMI State Chapter – each their own nonprofit corporation – to disclose their own funding from drug companies. NAMI California gets the most with $632,000.

Senator Grassley has written his 26 April letter to Michael J. Fitzpatrick, Executive Director of NAMI (shown here upper right) and Stephen H. Feinstein, M.D., NAMI President.

As of today, two NAMI state chapters still have not provided Sen. Grassley with the information he has requested: Arizona and Hawaii.

Here’s your gateway to information about the US Senate’s investigation of psychiatric drug company money of NAMI’s State Chapters:

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