
“Antidepressants’ include psychiatric drugs such as SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) such as Prozac and Zoloft.

Article STARD*D Wars Study Failure on Antidepressants
Dissident psychologist and author Bruce Levine dissects an expensive US government funded study of psychiatric drugs used on people labeled depressed.
Folder Hazards
Article Are antidepressants taking the edge off love?
The Los Angeles Times exposes the failure of drug companies to recognize, much less investigate, the fact that antidepressants alter brain chemistry to such an extent that they usually blunt the intensity of feelings associated with love. SSRIs are known to curb obsessive thinking, the focused state central to the first blush of romance. Drug company sponsored research had previously failed to identify the severity of sexual side effects, in part due to passive reporting of such side effects during drug trials.
News Item AlterNet: Are Antidepressants Faith-Based Treatment?
Psychologist Bruce Levine, longtime member of MindFreedom, evaluates the science behind claims that antidepressants work far better than other alternatives, in this article published by AlterNet.
News Item UK Guardian: Studies say antidepressants no better than placebo
UK’s Guardian newspaper covers the news that a major study says SSRI antidepressant psychiatric drugs are no better than placebo.

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