Vara Adams is a psychiatric survivor musician who is working on an album of songs that challenge the current mental health system. She has three of the six songs recorded so far. We’ve been enjoying these first three at the MindFreedom office! Go Vara!
16 December 2007
On 1 December 2007, Vara Adams released her first album, “No Means Yes.” Already the album has received a warm welcome, with people calling it “jarring,” “superb,” “powerful” and “timely.”
Vara had this to say about the album:
‘I decided that it was time to tell the world how I feel about the system that labelled, drugged and shocked me. I know the songs are raw, but they very clearly express the way I view psychiatric treatment as a whole. It makes me angry that people labeled as mentally ill immediately become nameless and are subjected to coercion and abuse. I have survived that label, and I won’t be nameless anymore.’
Three songs — “Nameless”, “Panacea” and “Trees” — were funded by Vanaheim Group, but the next three remain unrecorded due to a lack of money. Although incomplete, Vara wants to get the album out there in the hope that those still in the psychiatric system might have a voice, and that those outside will be inspired to try and change it.
Vara’s album can be downloaded at:
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David Oaks, Director of MindFreedom International adds:
“We at the MindFreedom office downloaded and paid for the first three songs and we really enjoyed them. It’s great hearing a combination of skilled artistic creativity and clarity about massive change in the mental health system. We look forward to this album’s full release!”
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