MFI News
MindFreedom International has hired Ronald Bassman, Psychiatric Survivor and Licensed Psychologist to be its Executive Director
(Published: Nov 14, 2018 10:00 AM)
MindFreedom International has hired Ronald Bassman to be its Executive Director. Bassman is a psychiatric survivor and licensed psychologist who lives in Boulder, Colorado. He has been a long-time activist fighting for the rights of persons diagnosed with mental illnesses and for alternatives to the mainstream standard of care in mental health.
MindFreedom International is Replacing its Website!
(Published: Nov 03, 2018 11:20 AM)
Help us replace MFI’s Website: A Beacon for Psychiatric Survivors on the Internet
Voices for Choices Webinar: Organizing for Alternatives to Forced Psychiatric Treatment
(Published: Jul 25, 2018 11:00 AM)
Since many mental health ‘experts’ are calling for the government to expand forced drugging and shock, our need to organize has never been more important! With generous support from the Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care, MindFreedom International is hosting a webinar entitled: “Voices for Choices: Organizing for Alternatives to Forced Psychiatric Treatment”.
Voices for Choices: MindFreedom webinar to Organize Against Forced Psychiatric Treatment
(Published: Jun 29, 2018 12:00 AM)
On June 24, MindFreedom International hosted a webinar entitled Voice for Choices: Organizing to End Forced Psychiatric Treatment. View more details below including a link for viewing the recording of this webinar below.
Canada Fights Back: Spotlight on Institutional Psychiatry
(Published: May 16, 2018 02:00 PM)
Lawyers acknowledge psychiatry as a torturous means of social control! Survivors and allies relieved someone finally noticed!
Free Training Webinar Filling Fast: Still Openings, Register Soon!
(Published: May 16, 2018 04:00 AM)
MindFreedom International will host a free webinar on Sunday, June 24 at 5:00 pm EST entitled: Voices for Choices: Organizing to End Forced Psychiatric Treatment.
Virtual Counter-Conference of the American Psychiatric Association Starts NOW
(Published: May 07, 2018 08:00 AM)
Watch the livestream at all week for interviews with psychiatric survivors and alternative health care professionals.
2018 Protest of the American Psychiatric Association in New York City
(Published: May 02, 2018 02:15 AM)
A mock funeral mourning those lost to psychiatry or who have had their spirits broken and struggle to survive is to be held as protesters deliver a public message to psychiatrists at the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association on Sunday, May 6, 2018. “First, Do No Harm” is the message that protesters hope will go viral and get people to think twice before getting involved with psychiatry.
Trump’s new forced psychiatric drugging czar Ellie McCance-Katz doesn’t believe you should have the right to own your own body.
(Published: May 05, 2017 05:20 AM)
Grab ’em by the frontal lobes: MindFreedom founder David Oaks on President Trump’s new forced drugging czar, Ellie McCance-Katz, a proponent of the heinous human rights abuse of state-sanctioned brain rape, forced drugging. Trump’s new forced drugging czar McCance-Katz, seeks to radically expand the terrifying and inhuman practice of rounding up and forcibly drugging American citizens long-term in the community… motivated by the pseudoscientific and hate-filled belief that without even performing any objective test on a citizen’s brain, a citizen should lose their right to own their own brain and become a second class citizen, because Trump’s big government forced drugging policy trumps your right to choose.
Phil Hickey masterfully debunking psychiatry’s so-called ‘biological evidence’
(Published: Mar 26, 2017 08:02 AM)
PhD psychologist Phil Hickey is back with another analysis of psychiatry’s fundamentally flawed assumptions…