MFI News
News related directly or indirectly to MindFreedom International.
Historic PsychOUT Event Promotes Activist Unity, Protests Electroshock
[Updated 5 June 2010] Survivors of psychiatric human rights violations and their allies from more than five countries gathered for three days — from 7 to 9 May 2010 — in Toronto Canada for a conference and protest dedicated to “Organized Resistance Against Psychiatry.” Here is brief coverage including a photo essay by David Oaks, director of MindFreedom International, of a few of the events and themes during the conference, and the anti-electroshock protest that followed.
Free: Try out a nonviolent revolution in mental health with MindFreedom International
Not yet a member of MindFreedom International? MFI is offering to postal mail you a free Info Packet, so it’s never been easier to find out more!
LABEL JARS, NOT PEOPLE! Successful MindFreedom Web Radio
Saturday, 13 March 2010, guests Paula Caplan, Lennard Davis, Dan Fisher and Martin Federman answered live call-in questions on the next MindFreedom Mad Pride Live Web Radio Show. Paula and Dan challenged the expansion of psychiatry’s label bible, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM). Dan and Martin remembered the legacy of the late Judi Chamberlin. Host was David W. Oaks, Director of MindFreedom International.
“Voice, Choice and Human Rights in Mental Health Care”
A panel on the movement to change the mental health system and its connection to wider struggles for civil rights was held in Eugene, Oregon on 15 January 2010. The speeches by David Oaks, Tracey “TC” Dumas, and Ron Unger are now available online as text, video or audio.
Judi Chamberlin: 30 October 1944 to 16 January 2010
UPDATE 3: The New York Times, Boston Globe, NPR and Washington Post have all run obituaries for Judi Chamberlin, who died at age 65. Judi was widely considered a grandmother of the mad movement: author, leader, activist, psychiatric survivor. Judi served on the MindFreedom Board of Directors for many years. You can read a statement by MindFreedom director David Oaks, and follow updates about Judi here. [updated 30 May 2010]
Utne names David Oaks one of 50 Visionaries for 2009
Utne Reader magazine periodically names “50 Visionaries Who Are Changing Your World.”A psychiatric survivor activist – David Oaks, director of MindFreedom International – is named as one of these visionaries in Utne’s November/December 2009 issue, which hits the stands now.
Celia Brown Interviewed on Women’s Radio
Women’s Radio interviews MFI Board President Celia Brown. Listen to this summary of MindFreedom activities online for free.
Alert 22: Victory Day for Ray Sandford!
MindFreedom has campaigned for the right of Ray Sandford to say “no” to his ongoing, outpatient forced electroshock. Today the Ray Campaign has finally achieved victory: No More Forced Electroshock for Ray, Ever!
New Album by Psychiatric Survivor Activist
Below is a press release concerning the release of Leah Harris’ new spoken word album, ‘Take Refuge.’
Welcome Viewers of ABC-TV Show Mad Pride!
25 August 2009: ABC-TV airs a segment on the global MAD PRIDE movement, including a number of groups in MindFreedom International, and an interview with David W. Oaks, Executive Director of MindFreedom International.
Alert 21: Another Ray Sandford Campaign Victory: New Psychiatrist is Official
MindFreedom has campaigned for the right of Ray Sandford to say “no” to his ongoing, outpatient forced electroshock. The Ray Campaign had another victory today, when the mental health system officially approved Ray’s psychiatrist, who disapproves of forced electroshock.
MindFreedom International Launches Directory of Mental Health Alternatives.
NEWS RELEASE: The MindFreedom online directory of alternative mental health for mental is finally available. Providers who agree with MFI Principles of Mental Health Alternatives are now encouraged to submit their services for listing! (Updated 8/8/09.)
NEWS RELEASE: MindFreedom International Thanks President Obama for Support of UN Treaty on Disability and Human Rights
The US media top story tonight? A war of words between the Cambridge police, a Harvard professor and President Obama. Distracted by the frenzy, much of the media missed how President Obama ended his day: Signing a global UN treaty to protect the human rights of people with disabilities. Along with many others, MindFreedom played a role in crafting the treaty inside the United Nations.
MindFreedom’s Report on Mad Pride 2009 Events
It’s July 2009, and that’s Mad Pride Month! Here’s a report on some upcoming events in New York, Toronto, Oregon and others, along with a recap about Mad Pride 2009 events so far! [Updated 22 July 2009]
MindFreedom’s Report on Mad Pride 2009 Events
It’s July 2009, and that’s Mad Pride Month! Here’s a report on some upcoming events in New York, Toronto, Oregon and others, along with a recap about Mad Pride 2009 events so far! [Updated 22 July 2009]
MindFreedom Scientific Advisory Board
NEWS RELEASE: Al Galves, PhD, author, psychologist, and board member on MindFreedom International, is coordinator of the MindFreedom Scientific Advisory Board.
Ray Alert #20: Last minute reprieve! Ray’s Forced Electroshocked for Today 13 May 2009 is POSTPONED.
This morning, 13 May 2009, Ray Sandford was scheduled to receive another involuntary, outpatient, maintenance electroshock in Minnesota. He was escorted all the way to Mercy Hospital. He was prepped. And then literally at the last minute a psychiatrist told Ray his forced shock would be “postponed.” We have another chance to help Ray find another psychiatrist. [updated 26 May]
Report: Successful Protest of Psychiatric Meeting
MindFreedom International and California Network of Mental Health Clients co-sponsored a peaceful protest of the American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting today Sunday, 17 May 2009, in front of the Moscone Center, San Francisco.
Protest Held Inside Minnesota State Capitol Rotunda to Stop Ray’s Shock
Associated Press gave national coverage to a MindFreedom protest to support in Minnesota for the human rights of Ray Sandford: may Day for Ray. Activists from four states protested Ray Sandford’s ongoing court-ordered involuntary outpatient electroshock, also known as electroconvulsive therapy or ECT. [Update: 10 May 2009.]
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A Hopeful and Happy New Year
- Thank you for your continued support of MindFreedom International in 2017
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