MFI News
News related directly or indirectly to MindFreedom International.
Sue Clark-Wittenberg 1955-2015
MindFreedom has learned of the recent passing of human rights activist and longtime MindFreedom member Sue Clark-Wittenberg, of Ottawa, Canada. Psychiatrized for nearly two decades, a survivor of both forced electroshock and forced drugging, she went on to fight for the dignity and human rights of all people harmed by psychiatry’s violence.
Celebrating 2015 CREATIVE MALADJUSTMENT WEEK – starts tomorrow!
CREATIVE MALADJUSTMENT WEEK (July 6-July 13, 2015) is only 6 months away! On this national day in celebration of the founder of the International Association for the Advancement of Creative Maladjustment [IAACM], MindFreedom echoes the famous words of Martin Luther King, Jr. in saying that “the salvation of the world lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted!”
ECT Day of Protest: May 16th Schedule of Cities
Locations, times, and contact people information will be updated as the date approaches. Keep checking back! Check below for protest/rally address & times…
ECT Day of Protest: Time for You to Take Leadership
By TED CHABASINSKI, J.D.Work on the May 16 International Day of Protest Against Shock Treatment is moving right along. This spontaneously-organized, grassroots effort now includes 21 cities in 16 states, plus two each in Canada and the United Kingdom. (VIDEO)
Leonard Roy Frank 1932-2015
MindFreedom is saddened to learn of the sudden passing of Leonard Roy Frank, accomplished and widely respected psychiatric survivor activist and author. After having his mind brutally assaulted by psychiatry as a young man, Leonard inspired many people around the world by steadily over many decades, acquiring and sharing vast amounts of knowledge and wisdom not only about psychiatry but about all aspects of the human experience.
“Challenging the movement to think outside the box” An MFI internet radio interview with James Jordan, CNC
Celia Brown hosts “Challenging the movement to think outside the box,” a LIVE interview with Oregon nutrition and natural health advocate, James Jordan, CNC, JD. Saturday, Jan. 24th 11:30 am PST/2:30 pm EST
Notes from the 2014 Creative Revolution Conference
Special thanks to Celia Brown for collecting these notes from last summer’s successful Creative Revolution conference at the Wisdom House in Connecticut.
MindFreedom T-shirt store NOW open…order one for a Holiday gift!
Help us raise money for our vitally important work AND get a special gift for that special someone for the Holidays!
MindFreedom staffer pens a vision statement for our new campaign, MFI Health Connections
MindFreedom would love to hear about your interest. We plan on developing a network of natural health and advocacy allies and starting a dialog to see how we can work together.
Where do YOU stand?
The Mental Patients Liberation Alliance (The Alliance) invites you to join with other proponents of human rights in mental health on Friday, November 14, 2014 and STAND UP to NAMI-NYS and oppose its unanimous and unequivocal support for Bill H.R. 3717.
Landing Zone Committee Launched At MindFreedom Conference
Announcing the Launch of the MindFreedom Landing Zone Committee – a new blog from Frank Blankenship (August 2014)
NEW Creative Maladjustment Week web site launched
CREATIVE MALADJUSTMENT WEEK: July 7 – July 14, 2014… Recognizing, honoring, and celebrating the creatively maladjusted worldwide! Includes updated manual for 2014. Visit to fill out our endorsement form to show your support!
2014 Creative Revolution Conference: “Developing and Expanding Alternatives” JULY 24TH – JULY 27TH, 2014
The conference is still open for registration. The Choices in Mental Health Committee of MindFreedom International is proud to sponsor this exciting gathering at the Wisdom House in beautiful Litchfield, Connecticut. Author/activist, Robert Whitaker and Mary Ellen Copeland will be the keynote speakers.
David W. Oaks Statement of Support for Protest of 2014 American Psychiatric Association Meeting
Thanks for everyone who supports the peaceful protest of the American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting in New York City on May 4, 2014.
On May 4th in NYC, join MindFreedom in a protest against psychiatric brutality.
This year’s Protest of the American Psychiatric Association’s Annual Meeting is in NEW YORK CITY.WHEN: Sunday, May 4 at 12:00pm Eastern timeWHERE: 34th Street and 11th Avenue Across the street from Jacob Javitz Convention CenterPlease come.
Action Alert: Free Justina Now! Stop Psychiatric Assault!
Read Justina’s Story and get involved!On February 10, 2013, Justina’s doctor at Tufts (Dr. Korson) sent Justina to Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) to receive treatment for Mitochondrial Disease, which had flared up dangerously with the flu. Justina’s GI specialist had transferred from Tufts to Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) and was expecting to admit her under his care…
Natural health and recovery: a new MindFreedom initiative
MindFreedom seeks an expression of your interest…initially we are interested in developing a network of natural health and advocacy allies and starting a dialog to see how we can work together.
Honoring Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. in 2014
It is time to revisit the clarion call of one of the most influential activist leaders of the 20th century. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. repeated a theme over and over, in many different ways, for at least 12 years: “The salvation of our world lies in the hands of the maladjusted.” He repeatedly said the world was in dire need of a new organization, the IAACM.
Urgent appeal for MindFreedom Ghana office space
Please read the appeal letter from Celia Brown, MindFreedom Board President, to raise urgently needed funds to keep office space for MindFreedom Ghana open.
Also in this section
A Hopeful and Happy New Year
- Thank you for your continued support of MindFreedom International in 2017
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