MFI News
News related directly or indirectly to MindFreedom International.
Why I Oppose Texas House Bill 2212 and Forced Drugging
From a MindFreedom member and forced drugging survivor who chooses to remain anonymous: FORCED DRUGGING VIOLATES BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS!
**ACTION** Stop the spread of forced drugging! SAY NO TO TEXAS HOUSE BILL 2212
The proponents of expanded forced psychiatry have already lobbied for outpatient forced drugging laws in almost every state in the union. They’ve succeeded in bringing forced drugging into the homes of those targeted by such laws in most states. It is with great alarm that we have learned that the next domino to fall may be Texas.
How YOU can celebrate Creative Maladjustment Week
MindFreedom releases a new guide to celebrating the inaugural Creative Maladjustment Week. Download it now!
Join Celia Brown and guests Lauren Tenney and Vanessa Jackson for a special Women’s History Month edition of MFI Alternative Mental Health Radio: “Honoring Women Involved with Psychiatric Survivor Research” LIVE this Saturday, March 30th @ 2pm ET/11am PT; we’ll be taking your calls at (646) 595-2125.
Volunteer or Intern with MindFreedom International!
MindFreedom needs YOU to help move our nonviolent revolution in mental health care forward. Get started by taking the volunteer survey ( now!
Volunteer or Intern with MindFreedom International!
MindFreedom needs YOU to help move our nonviolent revolution in mental health care forward. Get started by taking the volunteer survey ( now!
Alternative Mental Health Radio by MindFreedom International: STOP PSYCHIATRIC PROFILING!
Two dynamic “STOP PSYCHIATRIC PROFILING” activists (Tina Minkowitz and Eva Dech) discuss their CREATIVE MALADJUSTMENT to the human rights abuses of discriminatory public policy initiatives like the NY SAFE Act. LIVE on Saturday, 9 March 2013, at 2 pm ET, 11 am PT; we’ll be taking your calls at (646) 595-2125.
A Video Message from David W. Oaks: Support Creative Maladjustment Week!
On February 17th (Giordano Bruno Day), David thanks his supporters and urges them to celebrate their CREATIVE MALADJUSTMENT!
TODAY, we at MindFreedom International are PROUD to announce the launch of a brand new website to promote what promises to be the biggest and most fantastically creative mad pride event the world has ever seen: the inaugural CREATIVE MALADJUSTMENT WEEK! (July 7-July 14, 2013).
Findings from the Hope In Mental Health Care Survey now available!
Well over 1,000 individuals – many of them MindFreedom members and supporters – participated in this important survey gathering information on messages of hopelessness in mental health care. Download the results now.
Alternative Mental Health Radio by MindFreedom International: Matt Samet – an I GOT BETTER story!
Writer, lifelong rock climber, and psychiatric survivor MATT SAMET joins guest host SOPHIE FAUGHT to discuss his incredible journey out of “benzo madness” and the important lessons he learned along the way. An amazing I GOT BETTER story! LIVE on Saturday, 9 February 2013, at 2 pm ET, 11 am PT; we’ll be taking your calls at (646) 595-2125.
CLARIFICATION: the Action for Oaks Fund and the David W Oaks Irrevocable Trust Fund
A message from the Staff and Board of MindFreedom International
Celebrating CREATIVE MALADJUSTMENT on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!
CREATIVE MALADJUSTMENT WEEK (July 7-July 14, 2013) is only 6 months away! On this national day in celebration of the founder of the International Association for the Advancement of Creative Maladjustment [IAACM], MindFreedom echoes the famous words of Martin Luther King, Jr. in saying that “the salvation of the world lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted!”
Alternative Mental Health Radio by MindFreedom International: Mary Ellen Copeland and Magdaline Volaitis
This was a fantastic FIRST SHOW OF 2013! MARY ELLEN COPELAND, MAGDALINE VOLAITIS, and guest host SOPHIE FAUGHT discussed how we we can replace harsh and invasive psychiatric interventions with personal empowerment, self-help, and recovery for people in mental/emotional distress! Listen to the archive at:
David W. Oaks’ Message To the World: “Cracking the Nut of Normality”
A letter from David, who says: “The silver lining in this event has been witnessing the love between us all.”
Alternative Mental Health Radio by MindFreedom International: Lise Zumwalt
May 2013…Join MindFreedom host, SOPHIE FAUGHT and activist filmmaker, LISE ZUMWALT to talk about forced drugging and her first feature film, “That’s Crazy,” which documents one man’s decision to take his treatment into his own hands, defying a commitment order and an order to treat while searching for recovery.LIVE on Saturday, May 11th, at 2 pm ET, 11 am PT. We’ll be taking your calls at (646) 595-2125.
Alternative Mental Health Radio by MindFreedom International: Michael Cornwall, Ph.D.
LAST SHOW OF 2012! Join guest host SOPHIE FAUGHT and veteran clinician, Mad In America blogger and activist MICHAEL CORNWALL to talk about madness: “If madness isn’t what psychiatry says it is, then what is it?” LIVE on Saturday, 8 December 2012, at 2 pm ET, 11 am PT; we’ll be taking your calls at (646) 595-2125.
Mary Maddock “Zaps Back” with MFI Initiative on Electroshock and Human Rights
Mary Maddock is helping to lead an international campaign to challenge the many human rights violations inherently linked to the practice of electroshock, also known as electroconvulsive therapy or ECT. Mary is a shock survivor, author and board member of MindFreedom International.
Radio by MindFreedom International: LIVE from Alternatives Conference 2012!
LIVE from Alternatives Conference 2012 in Portland Oregon on Saturday, October 13 (2pm ET, 11am PT)Join the conversation: “What Should Be the Future of Mental Health Systems Change?”
I GOT BETTER: Seeking Your Video Story for New Website
Check out the short, powerful videos just posted to this new I GOT BETTER website, by people who overcame hopelessness about ever recovering while in the mental health system.
Also in this section
A Hopeful and Happy New Year
- Thank you for your continued support of MindFreedom International in 2017
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