Shield alert: Dawn Dziuba indefinitely institutionalized against will for over 9 years in St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Update: 10/22/2023 Latest news Dawn continues to receive monthly injections of Abilify against her will. Sean Rapp, her court-appointed guardian and the public administrator of the city of St. Louis, has made no effort to challenge this violation of her rights. Missouri’s Protection and Advocacy for People with Mental Illness (PAIMI) agency has received numerous…


New Senate Bill Under Consideration by Oregon Legislature will create more choices for individuals receiving in-patient psychiatric care. Read about the bill and take action today to promote more choices in the mental health system!

Ann Kasper, MA, PSS, an activist with MindFreedom Oregon, sent us information about an important bill under consideration called Senate Bill 686 (SB686) for the 2021 State or Oregon legislative session. The bill states that anyone who is in a locked psychiatric facility in Oregon (such as a psychiatric hospital unit or secure psychiatric housing) has the…

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MFI Informs National Council for Independent Living About the Need for Informed Consent and Supported Decision Making in Congregate Living Facilities. Read Full Letter HERE

Shield and Intersectional Rights Protection An Update from the NCIL Mental Health Subcommittee  Successful comics can be particularly good at recognizing what hovers below the illusions that most of us accept as unchallenged reality. The late George Carlin exposes one of the myths that many of us accept. He riffs that it is comforting to…