Opal Network Meeting: 31 May 2011

Calendar item and downloadable flyer about Opal Network meeting in Eugene, Oregon public library on Tuesday, 31 May 2011, at 2:00 pm. The topic: Mental Health, Police and Criminal Justice in Lane County.  Downloadable PDF of Opal Network Flyer for 5 May 2011 You can download a one-page PDF flyer [432 K] about the upcoming…

Zyprexa, Secrets & Eli Lilly

Filed Under: Zyprexakills “Netroots” makes end run: Eli Lilly seeks to keep documents about how they used fraud in marketing and pushing their powerful psychiatric drug Zyprexa, but grassroots Internet campaign resists. Hopefully everyone has already seen that we have a news item on the MindFreedom web site about how the NY Times covered Eli…

Text from MindFreedom Truth in Mental Health Brochure

Here is a plain text version of the MindFreedom “Truth Injection” brochure to bust myths in the mental health system. Accessible MindFreedom International Truth Brochure: Does Your Mental Health System Need A TRUTH Injection? [Image: A hypodermic needle labeled “truth” injecting the round top of a building with a sign saying “Mental Health.”] Your local…