Brain shrinkage seen in those taking antipsychotic medications

Info Document Actions Print this The well-respected Los Angeles Times ran an article about a scientific study indicating that taking neuroleptic psychiatric drugs – also known as ‘antipychotics’ – may shrink the brain. Brain shrinkage seen in those taking antipsychotic medications Date Published: Feb 07, 2011 12:00 AM Author: Melissa Healy, Los Angeles Times Source:…

Archives of General Psychiatry: Neuroleptics Shrink Brain Volume

Info An article in the February 2011 Archives of General Psychiatry, “Long-term Antipsychotic Treatment and Brain Volumes” by Ho, Andreasen, et al. describes a study that points to antipsychotic drugs as a major cause of brain shrinkage. The study found that over 7 to 14 years, “More antipsychotic drug treatment, including duration and intensity, was…

Ron Unger: Latest News on Brain Tissue Shrinkage from Antipsychotic Drugs

Info Ron Unger, chair of MindFreedom Lane County affiliate, is a full time mental health counselor, who has raised concerns about the way the neuroleptic or “antipsychotic” psychiatric drugs have been linked to shrinkage of brain tissue. Ron Unger, mental health counselor and chair of MF Lane County.   While MindFreedom is pro-choice about what…

Permanent muscle twitching from antipsychotics: Tardive Dyskinesia and Tardive Dystonia

Info Permanent muscle twitching from antipsychotics: Tardive Dyskinesia and Tardive Dystonia It’s been known since the 1950’s that the family of psychiatric drugs called antipsychotics — also known as neuroleptics — can lead to involuntary muscular movements that can often be permanent. Among these are the “TD’s,” which stands for both Tardive Dyskinesia and Tardive…

Robert Whitaker on Neuroleptic “Brain Damage” Debate

Info Document Actions Print this In the “climate crisis” controversy there are deniers, people who are putting out misinformation to cloud the debate about the greenhouse effect. The same thing is true in the debate about brain damage caused by the neuroleptic drugs, also known as antipsychotics. Some scientists, instead of warning the public about…

A Conversation With Nancy C. Andreasen

Info Document Actions Print this The New York Times reports an extremely important discussion with psychiatrist and neuroscientist Nancy C. Andreasen. In he conversation, Prof. Andreasen speaks out about her findings that neuroleptic psychiatric drugs (also known as “antipsychotics”) are leading to significant brain atrophy — or shrinkage — in patients. A Conversation With Nancy…

Scientific article: Neuroleptic (antipsychotic) drugs may cause cell death.

Info This medical research revealed that the neuroleptics (also known as antipsychotics) may not only shrink the brain, but cause actual cell death. For an abstract, full text, and to download a free PDF of the below article click this link: Effect of Chronic Exposure to Antipsychotic Medication on Cell Numbers in the Parietal…

Medical articles on neuroleptic brain damage

Info These are a few of the many mainstream medical articles indicating that using neuroleptic psychiatric drugs (also known as antipsychotics) can lead to significant structural brain damage. Brain Damage Associated with Neuroleptic Drug Treatment: The below was compiled by several sources by the late psychiatrist Loren Mosher, MD. For more on this citations click…

Neuroleptics shrink brains in monkeys

Info In this study, both an older neuroleptic (Haldol or “haloperidol”) and a newer atypical neuroleptic (Zyprexa or “olanzapine”) caused significant shrinkage in the higher level parts of the brains in monkeys. Source: Neuropsychopharmacology 9 March 2005 Haldol, Olanzapine Cause Brain Shrinkage in Monkeys Three groups of six macaque monkeys each were exposed to oral…