Report finds electroshock treatment of psychiatric patients increases for the first time in years

Info Interview with Mary Maddock, MindFreedom Ireland on Irish News Radio Show Recently, it has been revealed that the use of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), seclusion and physical restraint in the treatment of psychiatric patients have all increased for the first time in years, according to the Mental Health Commission. Read the entire article here. Document…

Where’s the Outrage?

Info Pat Risser has been a human rights activist and mental health advocate for over thirty years. A very troubling health care disparity exists among persons with serious mental illness (SMI). Even among those receiving regular psychiatric care, many individuals experience co-occurring medical conditions that go unidentified and/or untreated, significantly shortening their life spans. Read…

Healing Voices Movie

Info Oryx Cohen produces the Healing Voices Film to be released 4.29.16 with a One Night One Voice Global Event. Update: The film is released and available to stream on platforms like Amazon Prime!  Check out the Healing Voices IMDB page for links to all available streaming platforms.