Affiliate-Sponsor ArchivesAffiliate-SponsorsRelatives and Allies of Psychiatric SurvivorsUSA


Relatives and Allies of Psychiatric Survivors

Page Welcome to RAPS!
Why the family and friends of loved ones who have survived abuse in the psychiatric system need to network and unite, now!
Folder RAPS background & activity
This folder has information about the background and history of RAPS activity and advocacy.
Folder RAPS News
For those interested in finding out more about RAPS material, evidence, details, studies.
Folder RAPS Gets Requests for Help
RAPS regularly receives e-mail and phone calls from moms and dads and other relatives of psychiatric survivors looking for assistance, advocacy networking, information and more. If you can help please respond. {Disclaimer: These are forwarded requests for help. Forwarding does not imply MFI endorses the accuracy of any claims. For more info contact those seeking assistance.]
Article Debbie Brandt’s Story
Debbie Brandt of Oregon shares the story of her son and provides insight into the complex issues surrounding medication and mental health. (If you would like to contact Debbie, her email address is:
Link Critical Thinking
A link to critical thinking regarding neuroleptics, drugs and the adverse effects that occur.

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